thrush [θrʌʃ]
- thrush的基本解释
鹅口疮, 画眉, 蹄叉腐烂
- 相似词
- 相关歌词
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- 拼写相近单词
- thrushes
- thrust
- thrusted
- thruster
- thrusters
- thrustful
- thrustfulness
- thrusting
- thrustings
- thrusts
- thrush所属的单词分类
Bird / 鸟
Whip-Poor-Will · western meadowlark · Waterthrush · Umbrellabird · Scrub jay · roseate spoonbill · Oropendola · marbled murrelet · Mallard duck · kildeer
- 更多 网络例句 与thrush相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
American thrushes: wood thrush; hermit thrush; veery.
Yes, my father's sweetheart is a wood thrush, a maternal wood thrush.
Modern medical uses include: bronchitis, diarrhea, dysentery, hyperthyroidism, stretch marks, thrush, ulcers, vaginal thrush, viral hepatitis, asthma, athlete's foot, candida, catarrh, coughs, eczema, digestion, dyspepsia, flatulence, fungal infections, gingivitis, gum infections, hemorrhoids, support immune system, mouth ulcers, decongest prostate gland, ringworms, sore throats, skin conditions, skin inflammation, wounds, and wrinkles, toothpastes, mouthwashes, cosmetics, and food flavorings.
- 更多网络解释 与thrush相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
气压骚动."画眉"(Thrush)鸣声悦耳,Thrushcross使人联想起画眉鸟在林间山花丛中婉转啼鸣、自由自在飞翔的美好形象."呼啸山庄"和"画眉山庄" 的意象构成了"动"与"静"的强烈对照.希刺克厉夫是艾米莉塑造的一个极端化的拜伦式英雄人物.他是凯瑟琳的父亲老恩萧在利物浦码头捡到
鹅口疮(thrush)是由真菌传染,在粘膜表面形成白色斑膜的疾病多见于婴小宝宝. 本病是白色念珠菌感染所引起. 这种真菌有时也可在口腔中找到当小宝宝营养不良或身体衰弱时可以发病. 新生儿多由产道感染,或因哺乳奶头不洁或喂养者手指的污染传播
S2R"画眉鸟"(Thrush);第七章 水上飞机和地效飞机;第一节 水上飞机和地效飞机简介;1. 水上飞机;2. 地效飞机;第二节 主要技术特点;第三节 水上飞机和地效飞机的应用;第四节 典型机型;1. SH5(水轰5);2. 别-200(Be-200);3.
在艰苦的翔赛过程中和繁殖期内,最重要的疾病会有口疮(Casker,即毛滴虫)、寄生虫病、呼吸器官感染、细菌性感染(比如沙门氏杆菌 (Salmonella)和大肠杆菌(E.Coli),比如真菌性口炎(thrush)和曲霉菌(Aspergillus)的真菌"fungal)感染,
Pale Thrush:白腹鶇
白眉鶇 Eyebrowed Thrush | 白腹鶇 Pale Thrush | 赤腹鶇 Brown-headed Thrush
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