英语人>词典>英汉 : throat-almond的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[医] 扁桃体

更多网络例句与throat-almond相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A passage resembling a throat in shape or function;"the throat of the vase";"the throat of a chimney"

百科 抱歉,未找到"throat"相关的百科词典解释,向词友求助。

If you can hold the racquet in the continental grip and stick the arm almost straight in front of you (non-playing hand hold the throat of the racquet), you can be a quick volleyer.

假设您能够用大陆式握拍法握拍,然后把手臂伸直到身体前方,非握拍手轻轻握住拍喉处(Y 处,racquet throat),您就能学会快速截击手。

Software Description: About Cut Throat Pinochle, 3 hand, Gambling version of Pinochle.

Cut Throat Pinochle 这是一款三方运行的Pinochle赌博版本游戏。

更多网络解释与throat-almond相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

throat halyard:桁叉端吊索

throat depth 喉部深度焊接厚度 | throat halyard 桁叉端吊索 | throat microphone 喉头送话器

Have/has a lump in the throat:因感情激动而喉咙哽住

A clergyman's sore throat慢性喉炎 | Have/has a lump in the throat因感情激动而喉咙哽住 | Thrust sth down sb's throat把某物硬塞给某人吃下去,填鸭式的反复对某人灌输某事

throat reinforcer:前衬补强

throat opening鞋口长度 | throat reinforcer前衬补强 | throat鞋喉点