threesome ['θri:səm]
- threesome的基本解释
三人一组, 三人的竞赛, 一人对两人的比赛
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- threesomes
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In threesome , foursome , best-ball or four-ball play, where the context so admits, the word "player" includes his partner or partners.
At the Pearl in Denerim, there is a duelist named Isabela who is acquainted with Zevran. If you are in a romance with him and bring him to the Pearl, he will join you in a threesome with her. If you have Leliana in your party, and she has changed to a more hardened personality, and she is in a romance with you, she will also join you in a foursome.
在Pearl in Denerim,有一个叫Isabela 的决斗者,Zevran 和她相熟;如果你正好和Zevran处于恋爱关系并且把他带到pearl,他会加入你们进行3P;并且如果Leliana在你的队伍中,并且她已经转变成强硬性格,并且她也与你处于恋爱关系,她会加入你们进行4P。
In a threesome or foursome , penalty strokes do not affect the order of play.
- 更多网络解释 与threesome相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
三人二球赛(Threesome)见"比赛(Matches)". 球洞区通道(Through the Green) "球洞区通道"是指球场内除下列区域以外的所有区域: a.正在打球之洞的发球区和球洞区,以及 b.球场内的所有障碍区.
Three quarter swing 用四分之三的力量挥杆 | Threesome 一人或二人为一组参加比赛 | Through the cup 使球碰到洞口边缘入洞的方法
threescore 六十 | threesome 三倍的 | thremmatology 饲养学
Three to Tango 三人探戈 1999 | Threesome 情欲空间 1995 | Through the Olive Trees 橄榄树下的情人 1997
Had a threesome:玩
(X) Made a sex video 拍摄性爱视频 | ( ) Had a threesome 玩3P | ( ) Smoked weed 抽大麻
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