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theory of game的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇

theory of game

theory of game的基本解释


更多网络例句与theory of game相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper based on the theory of Game Design, Human-Machine Interface Design, Psychology of cognizing, Semeiology of Design, through analyzing the computer game users physiology and psychology, brings up user participating of circulating method for the computer game interface design.


By means of game theory,this paper presents a historical modeling and proves that human society lies in the state of prisoner's dilemma and confronts various troubles and alternatives.

论文关键词历史/博弈论/囚徒困境/理性history/game theory/prisoner's dilemma/rational,论文来源《华中师范大学学报》:人文社科版,论文单位武汉,点击次数 1,论文页数 46~50页2001年2001月论文网 http://www.lw23.com/paper_70852261/本文利用博弈论囚徒困境分析法指出人类社会如同囚徒困境,面临着许多的难题与抉择。

Because the category of game has different meanings and characteristics in different theoretical systems, the concept anthropomorphizes and has mental symbolic sense. During the whole modern times, as post-modern aesthetics fights against the traditional metaphysic theories, the changes and development of the category of game are revealed. In its theoretical pursuit, the theory of game shows its deep caring and attention to human beings.


更多网络解释与theory of game相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Which brings us back to Greely's Theory of Dominance:这让我想起葛瑞利的骨牌理论

No! No, he's not! Why are you trying to ruin the game?|不是的 你为什么要毁了这个游... | Which brings us back to Greely's Theory of Dominance.|这让我想起葛瑞利的骨牌理论 | That's it for today.|今天到此为...

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