英语人>词典>英汉 : tetrabasic的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

tetrabasic [,tetrə'beisik]


[化]四代的, 四元的, 四碱的

更多网络例句与tetrabasic相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It validates that tetrabasic lead sulfate grown under high temperature benefits the batteries' cyclic life of batteries.


It validates that tetrabasic lead sulfate grown under high temperature helps the batteries' cyclic life.


The SBS tetrabasic graft copolymerization was studied and effects of the monomer ratio,amount of AA and BPO,solidifying technology on adhesive properties were discussed,and the convenient adhesive with good properties for polyolefine was prepared.


The tetrabasic graft copolymer was prepared on chloroprene rubber initiated by benzoyl peroxide,with styrene,methyl methacrylate and acrylic acidas graft monomers by tetrabasic graft copolymerization.


更多网络解释与tetrabasic相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

tetrabasic:四盐基的; 含四价盐基原子的 (形)

tetherball 绳球 (名) | tetrabasic 四盐基的; 含四价盐基原子的 (形) | tetrachloride 四氯化物 (名)

tetrabasic acid:四元酸

tetrabarbital 替曲比妥 | tetrabasic acid 四元酸 | tetrabasic alcohol 四元醇

tetrabasic alcohol:四元醇

tetrabasic acid 四元酸 | tetrabasic alcohol 四元醇 | tetrabenazine 丁苯那嗪

tetrabasic ester:四羧酸酯

tetrabasic carboxylic acid 四羧酸 | tetrabasic ester 四羧酸酯 | tetrabasic hydroxy acid 四价羟基酸

tetrabasic carboxylic acid:四羧酸

tetrabasic acid 四元酸 | tetrabasic carboxylic acid 四羧酸 | tetrabasic ester 四羧酸酯

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