英语人>词典>英汉 : tetanization的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[医] 促强直, 致强直

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For this reason, tetanization≥100Hz was preferably used in the following experiments.


It is suggested that this is due to that two seperate processes are switched on by the prolonged low-frequency tetanization. While the inhibitory process does not intterupt the LTP production, it does defer the manifestation of LTP.


Firstly, we attempted to determine the optimal LTP-producing tetanic stimulation and observed that tetanization≥100Hz is more reliable than that≤50Hz in producing LTP.


With prolonged lowfrequency tetanization, a temporary inhibitory change was often observed immediately after the tetanic stimulation. But the evoked potentials began to recover more than ten minute later and finally exceeded the pre-tetanic level.


Acute tetanization (60 Hz, 2 s, 0.4-0.6 mA) of the right posterior dorsal hippocampus was used to induce hippocampal epilepsy. The single unit discharges and the depth electrographs were synchronously recorded with a glass microelectrode and a pair of stainless concentric electrodes in the ipsilateral anterior dorsal hippocampus.

急性强直电刺激大鼠右侧后背HPC CA1基树突区(acute tetanization of the posterior dorsal hippocampus, ATPDH; 60 Hz, 2 s , 0.4-0.6 mA)诱发HPC癫痫模型,同步记录同侧前背HPC CA1顶树突区单位放电和基树突区深部电图。

更多网络解释与tetanization相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


tetanigenous致强直的 | tetanization致强直作用 | tetanize致强直


试管架 test-tube rack | 强直作用 tetanization | 破伤风 tetanus