英语人>词典>英汉 : territorialization的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[法] 扩张领土, 区域化, 地区化

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It is not only to create a new space form but also to break the territorialization of urban space to return activity.


In Chapter 5, I give advices from the parts of ownership,interiorization and territorialization to help SMEs overcoming disadvantage and enhancing competitiveness.


This paper uses OIL paragigm as the theoretical basis, analyses advantages and shortcomings on the ownership, interiorization and territorialization of China's SMEs. Targeted for SMEs foreign direct investment in China, this article made a number of policy recommendations.


In chapter 4, I analyse China's SMEs from the angle of the OIL paragigm. With the analysis we find that SMEs have a certain ownership advantages, interiorization and territorialization advantages which foreign investment needed, but there are also a lot of deficiencies which mainly reflected in the financing capacity and small scale, which should be overcomed in the process of foreign investment.


In the context of globalization, the territorialization of culture leads to its deterritorialization, and the authority and originality of the original text is being questioned. The translator becomes the interpretative subject of construing culture.


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territorialisation ;territorialization:按地区分配

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