英语人>词典>英汉 : terms of reference的中文,翻译,解释,例句
terms of reference的中文,翻译,解释,例句

terms of reference

terms of reference的基本解释

受权调查范围, 权限, 职权范围

更多网络例句与terms of reference相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Personally, I'd put it in terms of a third party reference


The paper is a descriptive synchronic study on the differences between English and Chinese in terms of reference.


20 Two of these are explicitly stated in the Committee's terms of reference.


Modernization and globalization has changed the terms of reference for our lives.


They have to make their own choice and it follows from that, of course, that central banks in different countries have different objectives, different terms of reference.


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更多网络解释与terms of reference相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

terms of reference:职权范围

但这只是从磋商对专家组的有效设立的影响这个角度来看磋商的法律地位;我们下文将要讨论的则是,在对专家组的有效设立没有疑问时,磋商程序对专家组的职权范围(terms of reference)的界定的影响又是如何呢?

terms of reference:职责范围

则既可以根据仲裁协议或仲裁条款直接向设在巴黎的国际商会仲裁院秘书处提出,也可以通过申诉人所在国的国际商会国别委员会(National Committee)转交该院秘书处.在开始审理案件以前,仲裁员必须就其职责范围(terms of reference)提出一份报告,送交仲裁院批准.一,

terms of reference:职权;职责范围

term of office 任期 | terms of reference 职权;职责范围 | territorial integrity 领土完整

terms of reference:服务范畴说明条款 / 依据条款

Tangible Net Worth 资产净值 TNW | Terms of Reference 服务范畴说明条款 / 依据条款 TOR | Third Party Liability 第三人(者)责任险 TPL

ToR Terms of Reference:职责范围

TOC Theory of Constraints 约束理论 | ToR Terms of Reference 职责范围 | TQM Total Quality Management 全面质量管理

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