英语人>词典>英汉 : tension zone的中文,翻译,解释,例句
tension zone的中文,翻译,解释,例句

tension zone

tension zone的基本解释


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The FG8 is also used for interlacing of Microdenier yarns where a tension controlled zone is available in spinning processes.

FG8 也作为 Microdenier 纱的交错哪里紧张在纺织程序方面,受约束的地域是可得的。

A large part of potash feldspar augen structure, mica fish structure and granite lenticle in shearing zone are the results of dynanamo metamorphism of the tension region inside shearing zone instead of the mineral of original rock emerge in dynamometamorphism process on the remains of the original rock.


Continuous beam models with spring supports were set up to model end-plate connections. By comparing the results from tests with those from model analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn: during loading process, the neutral axis moves from the centroid axis to compression zone, not exceeding the center line of bolts inside the compression flange; ultimately, the tension flange and end-plate can be simplified as T-stub on the assumption that the axial forces of bolts in tension zone are equal to each other.


From the original rock far away from the alteration zone to the central of the alteration zone, siliconization and potash feldspathization increase, manifesting as the generation of siliconization and potash feldspathization tension veinlet zone.


Because the length of the tension zone is both fixed and known, the tension in the web material is determined from the present amount of unstrained web material in the tension zone.


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更多网络解释与tension zone相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tension Zone:張力區

Tension crack 張力裂縫 | Tension Zone 張力區 | Tensor 張量

Tension Zone:张裂区,拉裂区

tension pile 抗拔桩 | tension zone 张裂区,拉裂区 | tentative specification 试行规范

Tension Zone:张力地带

tension yield point ==> 拉力屈服点 | tension zone ==> 张力地带 | tension-active element ==> 反球化元素

Tension Zone:张力带

"tension surface","表面张力" | "tension zone","张力带" | "tensioner riser","升管张力平衡器"

TZ tension zone:张力区

TVP tensor veli palatini 腭帆张肌 | TZ tension zone 张力区 | UCG ultrasonic cardiogram 超声心动图

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