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tendon reflex的中文,翻译,解释,例句

tendon reflex

tendon reflex的基本解释

[医] 腱反射

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CSI consists of three parts,the Achilles tendon reflex,resistance to passive stretching as evaluated by the modified Ashworth scale and the clonus.


Compre ion of nerve roots often produces objective se ory changes early, with paresthesia and lo of se ating detectable in the affected dermatome. With continued root compre ion. Motor weakne may develop. With involvement of the L4 root, the patellar tendon reflex may be diminished and slight quadrice weakne may be o erved.


Clinical manifestation: amyosthenia and amyotrophia in distal segments of limbs; sensory loss of glove and socks form; weak or loss of tendon reflex; autonomic dysfunction


The myoelectric activity induced by tendon reflex is significantly larger over lesion side.


Results TPP was often seen in male youth and prime of life,some patients were short of the classic clinical symptoms and signs of hyperthyroidism.The proximal paralyses were main,tendon reflex was normal with hypopotassemia and recurrence.

结果 甲状腺功能亢进发于青壮年男性,部分患者缺少甲亢的临床症状和体征,症状以近端肌无力主,腱反射正常,血钾低,临床反复发作。

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tendon reflex:腱反射

1)腱反射:腱反射(tendon reflex)是指快速牵拉肌腱时发生的牵张反射. 例如,当叩击髌骨下方的股四头肌肌腱时,可引起股四头肌发生一次收缩,这称 为膝反射. 属于腱反射的还有跟腱反射和肘反射等. 腱反射的传人纤维直径较粗,为 12-20txm,

tendon reflex:腱反射,腱反射

1)腱反射:腱反射(tendon reflex)是指快速牵拉肌腱时发生的牵张反射. 例如,当叩击髌骨下方的股四头肌肌腱时,可引起股四头肌发生一次收缩,这称为膝反射. 属于腱反射的还有跟腱反射和肘反射等. 腱反射的传人纤维直径较粗,为12-20txm,

tendon reflex:腱反射 第十一章

temporal lobe 颞叶 第十一章 | tendon reflex 腱反射 第十一章 | testis 睾丸 第十三章

Achilles tendon reflex:跟腱反射

⑤ 跟腱反射(achilles tendon reflex)又称踝反射(ankle reflex) 患者仰卧,髋及膝关节屈曲,下肢取外旋外展位. 检查者左手将患者足部背屈成直角,以叩诊锤叩击跟腱,反应为腓肠肌收缩,足向跖面屈曲. 反射中枢为骶髓1~2节. ⑥ 阵挛(clonus) 锥体束以上病变,

Achilles tendon reflex:踝反射

Achilles jerk 踝反射 | Achilles tendon reflex 踝反射 | acinesia 运动不能

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