tempera ['tempərə]
- tempera的基本解释
蛋彩画(用蛋清代油调和的鸡蛋水胶养料画法), 涂料混上蛋白或其他物质的画法
- 相似词
- 拼写相近单词
- temper
- temperability
- temperable
- temperably
- temperality
- temperament
- temperamental
- temperamentally
- temperamented
- temperaments
- tempera所属的单词分类
Art / 艺术
T-square · paint roller · mechanical pencil · latex paint · graphic design · egg tempera · acrylic paint · screen printing · trompe l'oeil · silk screen
- 更多 网络例句 与tempera相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Shear zone 's favorable water permeability, abundant rainfall, suitable tempera ture as well as huge time span, make the deposit's secondary oxidation extremely developed. The content of copper oxides is 87-74%, the content of co balt oxides is 93-56%.
The effect of the Ni_(70)Mn(25)CO_5 catalyst alloy of high tempera-ture carburization on synthetic diamond have been studied.
本文研究了 Ni_(70)Mn_(25)Co_5触媒合金高温渗碳对人工合成金刚石的影响。
Based on the OLR data of ERBE and climatologically computed data of surface effective radiation , a survey of the relationship among atmospheric effective radiation and air tempera ture, atmospheric water content, total cloud amount atc.
- 更多网络解释 与tempera相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
魏斯偏爱以蛋彩 (tempera)作画. 跟他同侪的当代画家,大多数都排斥这种媒介,认为色调过於灰暗. 但魏斯擅长以此描绘日光黯淡的美国乡野中孤独、疏离的人物,却特别具有震撼力. 尤其是他最知名的作品,完成於1948年的「克莉丝汀娜的世界」(Christina's World).
蛋彩画(tempera)古老的绘画技法,用蛋黄或蛋清调和颜料绘于敷有石膏表面的画板上的画. 盛行于14~16世纪欧洲文艺复兴时代,为画家重要的绘画技巧. 蛋彩运用在壁画上称为湿壁画,有不易剥落,不易龟裂,色彩鲜明而保持长久的特点. ...
打它一下变白痴(dull),只好重新去挑选(cull) 不简洁(brief),哥悲伤(grief),阿姨平躺为缓解(relief) 只有 er 是轻率(temerity),p 气缓和和煅炼(temper),加 a 变成颜料蛋(tempera),再加馒头气 质变(temperamental),
"丁字尺","tee-square" | "调和色","tempera" | "回火","tempering"
tempera painting:胶画
painting in fresco 壁画 | tempera painting 胶画 | gouache 树胶水彩画
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