英语人>词典>英汉 : tea-planter的中文,翻译,解释,例句



茶园主, 茶农

更多网络例句与tea-planter相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is included that 4-5 types of active sites exist in the catalytic system and the active site produced polymer with low molecular weight is easy to be activiated while TEA is used as the cocatalyst. While TIBA, the active site produced polymer with high molecular weight and seldom active site produced polymer with low one is prone to be activiated. MAO tends to activiate the active site produced polymer with middle-level molecular weight. In TEA-TIBA catalytic system, TEA and TIBA activiate the corresponding active site and the weight of every active site gradationally varied with the change of the ratio of the two cocatalysts. And the activity of the active site produced polymer with high molecular weight is proportion to the concentration of TIBA.


Tea tray ; teaboard茶罐: tea canister ; caddy紫砂: purple granulated ; purple sand; terra-cotta紫砂壶: purple clay teapot ; purple sand teapot

茶道: sado ; tea-making 注:"茶道"一词来自日语,所以英语采用了日语的音译" sado ",还有人将茶道译作" tea way ",显然很不正规。

A grade of Chinese black tea, obtained from the fifth and largest leaf gathered from a shoot tip of a tea plant.

功夫茶中国的一种浓茶,茶叶采自茶树顶部第五片和最大的一片叶子乌龙茶的翻译不太对Wu-lung tea:乌龙茶Oulung:乌龙茶没有long tea不过是音译应该也算对吧。

更多网络解释与tea-planter相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

tea caddy:茶叶罐

下午茶所用茶叶、茶具和茶点都以精美为标准,茶叶选用优质的红茶,尤以中国茶为贵,茶具通常选用中国瓷器或铝制器皿,配备齐全的一套泡茶用具(tea set)包括茶壶(tea pot),茶杯(tea cup),茶盘(tea tray),茶桌(tea poy),茶匙(tea spoon),茶叶罐(tea caddy),茶壶暖罩(tea cosy,

tea spoon:茶匙

下午茶所用茶叶、茶具和茶点都以精美为标准,茶叶选用优质的红茶,尤以中国茶为贵,茶具通常选用中国瓷器或铝制器皿,配备齐全的一套泡茶用具(tea set)包括茶壶(tea pot),茶杯(tea cup),茶盘(tea tray),茶桌(tea poy),茶匙(tea spoon),茶叶罐(tea caddy),

我不喜欢可乐. not one's cup of tea指不是某人的喜好:Cola is not my cup of tea

It's awful. 真糟糕. | Cola is not my cup of tea. 我不喜欢可乐. not one's cup of tea指不是某人的喜好 | You did a bang-up job in this project. 在这个项目里,他工作得特别出色.