英语人>词典>英汉 : tabet的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

tabet ['teibit]



更多网络例句与tabet相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If the boys didn't tabet him ,he would not to chuck the stone.


Walker had sent BR Tatum to the one-loss side earlier in the day and defeated Jeff Tabet in the subsequent hot seat match.


But in all likely hood much less: the commission, with president Pasqualucci, vice-president Vincenzo Fortunato and notable professors such as Giuliano Tabet and Andrea Fedele, should announce their verdict this week already or next week at the latest.

但是现在,一切过程的简化了,在本周,至少下周,那个部门的主席Pasqualucci,副总裁Vincenzo Fortunato,著名的教授Giuliano Tabet 和 Andrea Fedele将会联合宣布他们的决定。

But Mr Tabet says private equity bidders could face stiff competition from big trade buyers, notably Richemont of Switzerland, and the two big French groups, PPR, which owns Gucci, and LVMH, the world's leading luxury group.


"So long as the fundamentals remain positive, the current transaction focus will predominantly be on next year and whether corporates step up to the plate to offset some of the private equity drop off in activity," Kamal Tabet, head of financial sponsors at Citigroup, said.


更多网络解释与tabet相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gladys Tabet:黎巴嫩

约旦 - Helen Giatanapoulus | 黎巴嫩 - Gladys Tabet | 卢森堡 - Marie Venturi

tabet soil:溶冻土壤

溶冻土壤 tabet soil | 表 table | 平顶山 table mountain

Jeff Tabet:杰夫

Craig Houghton克雷格霍顿 | Jeff Tabet杰夫tabet | Amateur Results:业余结果:

rd Jeff Tabet:第三杰夫

2nd Jeff Hooks第二杰夫钩 | 3rd Jeff Tabet第三杰夫tabet | 4th Denny Singletary第四丹尼? singletary

Jeff Tabet tabet:傑夫

Craig Houghton克雷格霍頓 | Jeff Tabet tabet傑夫 | Amateur Results:業餘結果:

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