英语人>词典>英汉 : synodic month的中文,翻译,解释,例句
synodic month的中文,翻译,解释,例句

synodic month

synodic month的基本解释


更多网络例句与synodic month相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As another example, they specified that the mean synodic month was 29;31,50,8,20 days (four fractional sexagesimal positions), which was repeated by Hipparchus and Ptolemy sexagesimally, and is currently the mean synodic month of the Hebrew calendar, though restated as 29 days 12 hours 793 halakim (where 1 hour = 1080 halakim).


Time interval between two consecutive Hatsumi as a synodic month, length 2953059 flat solar day.


The synodic month is the time from one new Moon to the next. It ranges from 29.27 days to 29.84 days with a mean of 29.53 days.


Synodic month 朔望月 The time taken for the moon to reappear at the same ecliptic longitude of the Sun as seen from Earth, which averages 29.53 days.

月球连续两次到达与太阳相同黄经的时间。一个朔望月平均有 29.53 日。

更多网络解释与synodic month相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

mean synodic lunar month:平朔望月

平太阳 mean sun | 平朔望月 mean synodic lunar month | 平均潮位 mean tide level

mean synodic lunar month:平均塑望日

"mean sun","平均太阳" | "mean synodic lunar month","平均塑望日" | "mean time","平均时"

synodic month; synodical month:朔望月

旋转差{磁罗经} swirl error | 朔望月 synodic month; synodical month | 朔望潮;冲合潮 syzygy tide

synodic month:朔望月

而月定义为朔望月(synodic month),朔望月是月球绕地球一周回到原来的月相(moon phase)的时间,朔望月平均周期是29.5306日. 所有历法都围绕这两个周期去订定.

synodic month:阴历月份

syn-hold 保持同步 | synodic month 阴历月份 | synodic periods 会合周期;朔望周期

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