英语人>词典>英汉 : susceptible的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,反义词,相关词组,拼写相似词汇

susceptible [sə'septəbl]

形容词比较级:[more susceptible]  形容词最高级:[most susceptible]  

易受影响的, 易感动的, 容许...的

  • This agreement is not susceptible to alteration.
  • 这一协议不容更改。
  • The statement of the thief is not susceptible of proof.
  • 那个小偷的陈述无从证明。
  • We are all susceptible to advertising.
  • 我们都容易受广告的影响。
  • She is rather susceptible to colds.
  • 她易患感冒。


adj. open · pliant · pliable · impressionable · yielding
adj. immune
be susceptible to:易患...
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Chenopodium album,Solanum nigrum, and Amaranthus retroflexus were very susceptible to the herbicides. Polygonum persicaria and Abutilon theophrasti were relatively less susceptible to the herbicides, and Lycopersicon esculentum was not susceptible to it. The relationship between reduction rates of weed biomass and PPM values of weed leaves 2,4, and 6 days after treatment was established.

供试的6种杂草对该混剂的敏感性存在显著差异:红心藜Chenopodium album、龙葵Solanum nigrum和反枝苋Amaranthus retroflexus对该混剂最敏感,ED90值分别为47.65、71.67和29.17g/hm2;春蓼Polygonum persicaria和苘麻Abutilon theophrasti敏感,ED90值分别为96.91、114.20g/hm2;而番茄不敏感。

Isolates from watermelon-growing areas were classified into 3 races like race 0, race 1 and race 2 which were 8 (17.4), 30 (65.2), and 8 (17.4%), respectively. Pathogenecity of race 0 isolates are weakest which only make Sugar Baby susceptible; isolates of race 1 are intermediately pathogenetic, they make Sugar Baby and Charleston susceptible Gray but Calhoun Gray resistant; isolates belonging to race 2 possess the strongest pathogenecity, which make 3 hosts susceptible. Isolates of race 0 mainly distribute over the central and southern Hebei province, whereas race 2 cover the middle and north of Hebei, isolates of race 1 exist in the whole watermelon-growing areas in Hebei province.

根据鉴别寄主对供试菌系的抗感反应,将46个西瓜枯萎病菌系划分为0号、1号和2号3个不同的生理小种,分别包括8,30和8个菌系,占供试菌系的17.4%、65.2%和17.4%;0号生理小种菌系致病性最弱,仅使品种Sugar Baby感病,以冀中和冀南居多;1号生理小种菌系致病力中等,使鉴别寄主Sugar Baby和Charleston Gray感病,而使Calhoun Gray抗病,分布在整个河北省西瓜种植区;2号生理小种的菌系致病力最强,使3个鉴别寄主均能感病,主要分布在冀中和冀北。

Study on the activity of PAL、POD and SOD in the corn after inoculated pathogen showed that there were big differences between resistance and susceptible materials. The changs were more stabilization in resistance materials than in susceptible materials. There is a wave crest of activities in resistance materials, but no activity wave crest in the susceptible.


更多网络解释 与susceptible相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


营养摄取不,特别是碳水化合物的不足与脱水(dehydration),可能使运动员更加敏感、易受影响(susceptible)(Aakvaag,1985). 血醣过低(hypoglycemic)时进行长时间的运动,可能会导致身体运动表现的降低长达数周之久(Kuipers,1988).


绝大多数农作物属甜土植物,甜土植物在受到盐胁迫时会发生危害,主要表现在:(1)感病(susceptible) 寄主受病原物的侵染而发生病害,生长发育受阻,甚至局部或全株死亡,影响产量和质量.


SEIR的四个字母分别代表易感(Susceptible)、潜伏(Exposed)、传染(Infectious)和康复(Recovered)病人. 美国和加拿大的科学小组研究了205个SARS病例;英国和中国香港的科学小组则研究了香港SARS最初10周的流行趋势. 都得出了一个相同的结论:如果不加控制,


superior 上好的 | susceptible 易受影响的 | sweep away 扫过

be susceptible:易受人影响

11. apocalypse (基督教)启事(录)> | 12. be susceptible 易受人影响 | 13. ravage 蹂躏,劫掠

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