英语人>词典>英汉 : survival的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

survival [sə'vaivəl]


生存, 残存, 幸存者

  • The old man is a survival of the past age.
  • 这老人乃上一个时代的遗老。
  • The man's survival was surprising, as the doctors thought he would die.
  • 这个人能活下来真是出人意外,因为医生们认为他必死无疑。


Firefighting / 消防 [222]

two-way radio  ·  tanker truck  ·  smoke alarm  ·  Jaws of Life  ·  escape route  ·  gas detector  ·  fire truck  ·  carabiner  ·  Dalmatian  ·  plumes

更多 网络例句 与survival相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Result The results showed that tissue culture seedlings cultured with disinfection seeds and fresh fruit seeds had higher survival rates, which could reached above 75.0%. Taken Pingguoli and Xiangshuili for cions, Shanli without root for rootstock, the survival rate of graft seedlings had obvious difference. And Xiangshuili for cions had higher survival rates. Taken Xiangshuili for cions, Shanli and Xiangshuili for rootstock, the survival rate of graft seedlings with root had higher survival rates than that without root. Added hormone to the media could improve the survival rate of micro-grafting plants, in the medium of MS+BA 1.0 mg/L+IBA 0.3 mg/L, the survival rate reached 86.7%.

结果]种子消毒处理及鲜果取种组培苗的成活率均较高,达75.0%以上;以香水梨和苹果梨为接穗,无根山梨为砧木时的嫁接苗成活率有显著差异,其中以香水梨为接穗的成活率较高;以香水梨为接穗,山梨和香水梨为砧木时,带根的材料嫁接时的成活率都显著高于无根嫁接苗的成活率;此外,添加植物生长调节物质可以有效提高嫁接成活率,在培养基MS+BA 1.0 mg/L+IBA 0.3 mg/L中嫁接苗的成活率最高,达86.7%。

As One kind of place play locally borns which of Guangxi, The Cai Diao has the oneself unique survival means, But along with society's suddenly development, its existence environmenwhich now has had the very big change, Causes the Cai Diao to appear the serious survival crisisAnd Its survival means has also had the certain change, Always looking like, its survival means is various , So long as explores to one kind suits its survival means , the Cai Diao can reobtain the vitality, seeks the survival and the development


The study of the effect of Glycerol on survival of the E.coli shew Glycerol could protect E.coli and improve dry, vacuum and implantational survival rate during ion beam implanting the E.coli. The whole survival rate of protected the E.coli implanted by 30keV N+ was 530-10000 times higher than unprotect ones. Glycerol changed bacteria outer color and survival rate curve. At the same doses, the color of the E.coli protected by five and one percent Glycerol was white or yellow, lighter than unprotected. In addition, the survival rate curve of the E.coli with Glycerol located above one without Glycerol, and the peak of which was higher and delayed at dose.


更多网络解释 与survival相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


第六节 多个独立样本非参数检验(K Independent Samples Test) 第七节 两相关样本的非参数检验(2 Related Samples Test) 第八节 多个相关样本的非参数检验(K Related Samples Test)第十四章 生存分析(Survival) 第一节 寿命表法


统一造船2005年在全企业内发起了以"生存"(survival)命名的降本增效运动,2005年是这一运动的第一步(SV1 ),目标是压缩成本10亿日元. 在这一目标的指引以及汇率形势出现好转的共同作用下,统一造船2005财年实现盈利26亿日元,


首先按计时战斗 选生存 用笛子大魔王(绿色的那个人) 把全部人打死 最后一个是人造人桃伯伯 打死了就行了 我是说真话哦 生存模式打完就行了 >你说的是哪个最后一页第几行?


问题的关键在于,这样一些哲学的"基本概念"其实并没有一个本真的或超然物外的处所,它们在语词世界的复制中总是在W.本亚明所说的"幸存"(survival)和"死亡" (death)[1]的张力空间中进行挣扎,由此呈现出所谓"解释学真理"与"逻辑真理"的基本区别.

Survival rate:生存率

(三)生存率(survival rate):是指接受某种治疗的病人或患某病的人中,经若干年随访(通常为 1,3, 5 年)后,尚存 是指接受某种治疗的病人或患某病的人中,经若干年随访( 是指接受某种治疗的病人或患某病的人中 活的病人数所占的比例.生存率= 年尚存活的病例数/ 100%.

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