sure [ʃuə]
- sure的基本解释
必然的, 必定的, 确信, 可靠的
- I am sure that I put the money in the box.
- 我肯定把钱放在盒子里了。
- One thing is sure, he won't let you down.
- 有一点是确定的,那就是他不会让你失望。
- Do you feel sure about it?
- 你能对这有把握吗?
- Fight no battle you are not sure of winning.
- 不打无把握之仗。
当然, 确实地, 无疑地
- It sure was cold.
- 的确是冷。
- 相似词
- 与sure相关的词组
- be sure of:确信..., 对...有把握
- sure enough:果然
- for sure:确实
- make sure:确定
- be sure of oneself:有自信心
- to be sure:诚然
- 与sure相关的情景对话
- 职场英语 / 求职面试
How do you handle your failure?
None of us was born "perfect". I am sure I will be given a second chance to correct my mistake.
- 衣食住行 / 秘密
I have something to confess.
What is it?
I think she’s pregnant! Just make sure to keep it under your hat.
Really? Didn’t she know about it?
You can’t tell anyone.
I promise.
- 商务外贸 / 订货
We can offer a 10% discount for orders over 10000 pieces.
I‘m not sure we can use that many .
It would represent quite a savings .
Ok, I‘ll see what I can do .
- 相关歌词
- Sure Hope You Mean It
- Sure About It
- Sure As I'm Sittin' Here
- Sure Know Something
- Valley Girl
- You Never Can Be Too Sure About The Girl
- 拼写相近词组、短语
- sur-
- suranal plate
- 更多 网络例句 与sure相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The metal mold design now adopt a form of one mole but six cayities ,this way can improve the efficiency;the mold's joint face is the ball's neutral plane,that makes the mold opened convenient;In the gating,the runner and the riser is the same ,and this design adopt scum riser,that make sure a better routing and make sure the casting's feeding;the mold use gravity to lockwasher itself;the core's material is quartz sand,and spread high tempearature resistant dope on it;In the design, same taper in the guide bush of the core box is needed to make sure open the mold easily;The insert blocks of the core box are made by numercial control processing,this way reduce the cost of production; the scale division positioner make sure the same specification has better interchangeability,also,as all the machining can be finished on the general machine tool,it make the cost low,so it can be spreaded abundant in the medium and minor enterprise;when workout the mold's processing technology,this design adopt the rough's two end plane as benchmark,the ball cavities are machined by scale division positioner;then use Autocad,Pro/e to draw planar and three dimension blueprint,use Pro/e to make three-dimensional animation.
The metal mold design now adopt a form of one mole but six cayities ,this way can improve the efficiency;the molds joint face is the balls neutral plane,that makes the mold opened convenient;In the gating,the runner and the riser is the same ,and this design adopt scum riser,that make sure a better routing and make sure the castings feeding;the mold use gravity to lockwasher itself;the cores material is quartz sand,and spread high tempearature resistant dope on it;In the design, same taper in the guide bush of the core box is needed to make sure open the mold easily;The insert blocks of the core box are made by numercial control processing,this way reduce the cost of production; the scale division positioner make sure the same specification has better interchangeability,also,as all the machining can be finished on the general machine tool,it make the cost low,so it can be spreaded abundant in the medium and minor enterprise;when workout the molds processing technology,this design adopt the roughs two end plane as benchmark,the ball cavities are machined by scale division positioner;then use Autocad,Pro/e to draw planar and three dimension blueprint,use Pro/e to make three.dimensional animation.
The metal mold design nowadopt a form of one mole but six cayities ,this way can improve theefficiency;the mold's joint face is theball's neutral plane,that makes the mold openedconvenient;In the gating,the runner and the riser is the same ,andthis design adopt scum riser,that make sure a better routing andmake sure the casting's feeding;the mold usegravity to lockwasher itself;the core's materialis quartz sand,and spread high tempearature resistant dope on it;Inthe design, same taper in the guide bush of the core box is neededto make sure open the mold easily;The insert blocks of the core boxare made by numercial control processing,this way reduce the costof production; the scale division positioner make sure the samespecification has better interchangeability,also,as all themachining can be finished on the general machine tool,it make thecost low,so it can be spreaded abundant in the medium and minorenterprise;when workout the mold's processingtechnology,this design adopt the rough's two endplane as benchmark,the ball cavities are machined by scale divisionpositioner;then use Autocad,Pro/e to draw planar and threedimension blueprint,use Pro/e to make three-dimensionalanimation.
- 更多网络解释 与sure相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
leisure,一开始用这个单词只是觉得这个词很诡异,当然(sure)累(lei)的英文意思居然是休闲. 后来看到杭州满大街的Leisure Expo怎么看怎么怪异,就琢磨着要改了.
一个鸟人说美国的舞蹈家的质量的提高主要是因为在美国的欧洲舞蹈教师的功劳,他用了论据说他到美国遇到越来越多的欧洲舞蹈教师,我选:SUPPORT:D、 美国的舞蹈教师和欧洲的教师教同一个学生时,总是欧洲的老师较的好(SURE)
作者转身看到男孩子正准备开始比赛,她毫不吃惊(surprisingly)地,毫不奇怪(strangely)地,充分地(well)确信(sure)大家是为男孩子欢呼. 作者对女孩的赞扬不解,因为她刚刚跑过(pass)了终点,结束(finish)了比赛,但跑在最后没有获胜(win),
(4.9)一种生物如何发现另一种生物,有两种hypothesis:一种是这个动物通过味道感觉,还有一种是通过sight 发现,问哪个试验可使得一种解释优于另一种 key:装有猎物的网可以吸引这种动物,但密闭的透明玻璃瓶不行(sure)
Sure:abbr. seemingly unrelated regression equations; umre估计
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