英语人>词典>英汉 : supersensible的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

supersensible [,sju:pə'sensibl]


超感觉的, 超知觉的

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As an organic system, nature itself contains the ideas of the supersensible.


160The idea … of inversion, which constitutes the essential nature of one aspect of the supersensible world

贺译( p109):颠倒这个观念构成了超感官世界的一个方面的本质。

According to him the visible world is simply a copy of a supersensible, intelligible, ideal world, and consequently "things" are but the impress stamped on reality by that which is of a higher, spiritual nature.

据他说,有形世界简直是一份supersensible ,理解,理想的世界,并因此"东西",不过这个印象,盖上现实,那是一个更高的,精神性的。

Religious believers have generally found themselves obliged to defend their belief in such a supersensible reality as God by an appeal to philosophical argument.


147The inner world, or supersensible beyond, has, however, come into being

贺译( p98):那内在世界或者那超感官的世界是出现了。

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supersensible soul:超感觉的心灵

supersecretion 分泌过多 | supersensible soul 超感觉的心灵 | supersensitive 过敏性