英语人>词典>英汉 : substantiating的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[变形] substantiate的现在分词


使实体化, 证实

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This will ensure that you have documentation substantiating any tax-free withdrawal you make from your HSA.


Wrong detention of a person without incriminating facts or proof substantiating a strong suspicion of the commission of a crime


In this report,we describe significant progress toward substantiating that possibility.


These results will prove useful in substantiating the performance design methodology.


In this report, we describe significant progress toward substantiating that possibility.


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更多网络解释与substantiating相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

substantiating data to a claim ,documents to support a claim:索赔的证明材料

submission to tender投标 | substantiating data to a claim ,documents to support a claim索赔的证明材料 | sweat and heating受潮受热险

substantiating data to a claim ,documents to support a claim:索赔的证明资料

Submission to tender 投标 | Substantiating data to a claim, documents to support a claim 索赔的证明资料 | Sweat and heating 受潮受热险

But you don't have a lickof substantiating proof:却拿不出一点证据

A theory that ties your case up in a neat little bow.|你把病例用一个无根据的理论... | But you don't have a lickof substantiating proof.|却拿不出一点证据 | Your decisiondoesn't make any sense.|你的决定不...

substantiating data to a claim;ducuments to support a claim:索赔的证明材料

submission to tender 投标 | substantiating data to a claim;ducuments to support a claim 索赔的证明材料 | sweat and heating 受潮受热险

Substantiating data to a claim, document to support a claim:索赔的证明材料

Submission to tender 投标 | Substantiating data to a claim, document to support a claim索赔的证明材料 | Sweat and heating受潮受热险