英语人>词典>英汉 : submachine gun的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标
submachine gun的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

submachine gun ['sʌbməʃi:n]

submachine gun的基本解释

冲锋枪, 轻型自动(或半自动)枪

submachine gun所属的单词分类
Weapon / 武器 [138]

tank gun · stun gun · pepper spray · biological weapon · battle axe · assault rifle · Uzi · nuclear bomb · muzzleloader · bow and arrow

更多网络例句与submachine gun相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So, instead of a rifle I received a submachine gun for the first time.


A type of submachine gun that is designed and manufactured in Israel.


Production of the new submachine gun commenced in 1959, and in 1961 it was officially adopted by Italian government.


Actually, this is a submachine gun.


Not long after that, he invented a small installation to enhance the shooting accuracy of Type 56 Submachine Gun.


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更多网络解释与submachine gun相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

submachine gun:冲锋枪

"冲锋枪"(submachine gun)一词是在美国汤姆逊冲锋枪出现后,由美国主管武器研究的军械局长汤姆逊将军首次发明的. 从严格定义上来说,维拉.帕洛沙M1915冲锋枪还不能算是一支真正的冲锋枪. 从外形看,该枪有两根枪管;从全枪质量看,高达6.1kg,

submachine gun:冲锋枪,手提机枪

Strong hand 惯用手 | Submachine gun 冲锋枪,手提机枪 | Suppressor 消音器

submachine gun:手提轻机枪

"升华压力","sublimation pressure" | "手提轻机枪","submachine gun" | "潜水艇","submarine"

submachine gun:衝鋒槍軍事軍火

58808衝鋒號軍事軍語charge call | 58809衝鋒槍軍事軍火submachine-gun | 58811衝擊石工業鐘錶roller jewel

Thompson submachine gun:汤普生自动步枪

Thomas 托马斯 | Thompson submachine gun 汤普生自动步枪 | thong 皮带

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