英语人>词典>英汉 : student council的中文,翻译,解释,例句
student council的中文,翻译,解释,例句

student council

student council的基本解释


更多网络例句与student council相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They were his friends and fellow members of the student council.


I am vice president of the student council.


Who do you think will be the new student council president?


You can count on me to be at all the student council meetings!


C:·Yes. I was president of Student Council of our university.


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更多网络解释与student council相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

student council:学生会

其中法文课程是提供给住在以下五间法文小学校区內的学生就读:Glad Park P.S.、Frankline Street P.S.、Milliken Mills P.S.、Mount Iop P.S.及Wilfred Laurier P.S.,校方挑选一些学生成立学生会(Student Council),负责主导一些课外活动如运动、戏剧、摄影、歌唱及管絃乐,

student council:会

然而真实的加州也并未全然如好莱坞电影内的加州印象. 通常处理的管道分为校内和校外两种. 校内管道就是学校内部的惩处模式,是透过校警(campus security)上呈报到学生平等委员会(student council),然后学校会针对此事展开调查、提出报告.

student council:学生会;学生联会

学生贷款基金|student loan fund | 学生会;学生联会|student council | 学年|academic year; school year

student council:学生自治会

storminess 风暴度, 磁暴度, 猛烈 | student council 学生自治会 | isotopic dilution 同位素稀释, 同位素冲淡

The student council:学生会

But so far, every clue had one common denominator.|但是目前为止 每条线索都有一个共同点 | The student council.|学生会 | See, man, cut it, cut it. Look...|伙计 切掉 切掉 看...

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