英语人>词典>英汉 : student的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,情景对话,拼写相似词汇

student ['stju:dnt]


学生, 研究者, 学者

  • He is a student of international politics.
  • 他是研究国际政治的学者。
  • He is a student of history.
  • 他是一个学历史的学生。
n. pupil · scholar
商务外贸 / 询问工作

What’s your job?



For now, I’m a student at the university.

目前, 我在大学里读书。


I thought you were working.



Well, I work as a tour guide in the holidays.



That must be quite interesting.



Yes, it is. I like meeting new people and it’s a good chance to practise my English.


Job & Occupation / 工作与职业 [298]

highway patrol  ·  football player  ·  cab driver  ·  security guard  ·  truck driver  ·  quilter  ·  park ranger  ·  garbage man  ·  zoologist  ·  zookeeper

School / 校园 [116]

thumb tack  ·  staple remover  ·  rubber bands  ·  push pin  ·  paper punch  ·  mortar board  ·  mechanical pencil  ·  hole punch  ·  gel pen  ·  file folder

更多 网络例句 与student相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But in realistic reason, the absurdity of the personnel system becomes the parent and teachers toward what student bring pressure emollient to borrow;, The family becomes the student to increase the negative important place, it is student the lessons burden aggravate of motive source and direct source, and became student's mental state to increase negative important source;High test conductor's baton BE also result in this phenomenon of important reason, an acceptance score line stopped the teacher's throat, also taking out to beat the student;The slippery 坡 of the occupation morals of teacher make it the mental acceptance ability of the regardless of student and the healthy body of the student, pass to increase student's lessons to make up the shortage on oneself's teaching, this makes some teachers unilateral to emphasize the result but threw to lose the teacher's original intention then;Lack the emollient direct mechanism, foster the teacher and don't go to the character of raise the oneself, don't go to the science skill of raise the teaching, but measures this to breach the method of science in brief to raise the deceitful examination score of student with the enlargement homework, is not science ground passes to raise student's character, raise the teaching result, but use and should try the educational way leading the student copes with the examination with the speculation prosperity method.


In the class and grade manages respects the student to need to obtain student's approval from the emotion, respects the student to be good at utilizing the education quick-wittedly with the pedagogical mastery, the change criticism way, respects the student to respect the student the right to know, the participation right and the voting right, raises student's right and wrong judgment ability, strengthens student's collectivism host sense of responsibility, thus realizes the student and class's and grade's optimized development.


This article embarks from my school actual situation, elaborated from five aspects raises the student creative thought the necessity and the possibility, the union concrete teaching practice, take applies the heuristic teaching to build the creative thought scene as the student, in the classroom in striation pays great attention to stimulates student"s seeking knowledge desire, lights student"s creative thought desire fire, fully displays the historical data the function, takes to accumulate, the collection source material, the organization discusses, encourages to question, excavates the student latent creation consciousness, raises aspect and so on migration ability which student"s contrast inference extrapolates has carried on the exploration, has yielded the trifle result on the student body, simultaneously to explored the question which discovered to carry on reconsidering, Realized to raises student"s creative thought by no means merit of the first, needs the historical teacher to persevere, relentlessly diligently, also needs unceasingly to summarize, reconsidering, the enhancement in the practice.


更多网络解释 与student相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"毕业生"(graduate) 指下述人士─(b)姓名已载于按照教务委员会所订明的规例而发布的大学学士、硕士或博士学位及格候选人名单上,并正待大学在学位颁授典礼上颁授该学位的人士; (1994年第516号法律公告)"学生"(student) 指本科生或研究生,


所以我们不会不注意到现在你们已经是student,这个词的语源是拉丁语的studens,义指要"自找努力"(studere)和要"分析选择"(diligere). 这是对研究的人的要求,就是对大学生(Student)的要求. 所以我今天要像同事一样与你们一起探讨问题.


该校拥有全英最大的研究生院,注册研究生人数为5500名,总在校学生(student)人数为10666名(含本科生). 邻近巴斯市,位于伦敦西面170公里,乘火车往伦敦需要80分钟. 其图书馆有图书及期刊40万册,使用现代化的信息查询系统.


我立刻跑出升降机,心想回到家就没有事了,但我突然被一块石绊倒,我倒在地上,看见一个中学生(student)站在我面前,他(he)对我说:「小朋友,一起和我玩吧. 」然后他(he)一面笑一面消失了. 之后,我立刻回家. 回到家后,我把事情说给表哥听.

student council:学生会

其中法文课程是提供给住在以下五间法文小学校区內的学生就读:Glad Park P.S.、Frankline Street P.S.、Milliken Mills P.S.、Mount Iop P.S.及Wilfred Laurier P.S.,校方挑选一些学生成立学生会(Student Council),负责主导一些课外活动如运动、戏剧、摄影、歌唱及管絃乐,

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