英语人>词典>英汉 : strike note的中文,翻译,解释,例句
strike note的中文,翻译,解释,例句

strike note

strike note的基本解释


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Let me strike a note of hopefulness :this job will not be as hard as you think.


However, it is used by educated speakers,for example, when they want to strike a jocular or demotic note,as in fixed expressions likeSay it ain't so or You ain't just whistling Dixie.

然而受过教育的人也使用这个词,例如当他们想达到滑稽或通俗的色彩,如在固定表达Say it ain't so 或 You ain't just whistling Dixie 中。

Further to strike of Lufthansa, kindly note that there is no special news or updates.


Mr Obama finds it tougher to strike the right note with rural whites.


Mr Obama finds it tougher to strike the right note with rural whites.


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Strike note:击弦音,撞击声

STP shielded twisted pnir 屏蔽双绞线 | Strike note 击弦音,撞击声 | Strip 卸下附属设备,轨道,类别

strike the right note:说得恰当

strike the eye 醒目 | strike the right note 说得恰当 | strike up 开始演奏

strike the right note:语言得体

Straightforward 直截了当地 | Strike the right note 语言得体 | Establish business relations 建立业务(贸易)关系

Strike note:撞击音

strike joint ==> 走向节理 | strike note ==> 撞击音 | strike of indefinite duration ==> 无限期罢工

strike a false note:说得不恰当

strike a blow for 拥护 | strike a false note 说得不恰当 | strike an attitude 装腔作势

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