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- striae of Amici
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Being as a NO donator,L-Arg siguitlcanfly enhanced the ability of TNF-α which increasing permeability of strial capillary cndothelial cells;permeation rate to Evans blue beightened significantly(P<0.01),which obviously rose up when the concentration of Evans blue added.L-NMMA,NO inhibitor,was able to weaken the ability of TNF-α which increasing permeability of strial capillary endothelial cells:permeation rate to Evans blue decreased siguificantly (P<0.01),which obviously fell down when the concentration of L-NMMA added.
一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)供体L-Arg能增加TNF-α作用下耳蜗血管纹微血管内皮细胞的通透性,使伊文思蓝的通透率升高,差异具有统计学意义(P值均<0.01),且随着L-Arg浓度的增加内皮细胞对伊文思蓝的通透率也明显增加。
Neuronal cell bodies and fibers with moderate mGluR7-LI were seen in the olfactory bulb,anterior olfactory nucleus,piriform cortex,septofimbrial nucleus,bed nucleus of the strial terminalis,lateral hypothalamic area,paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus,supramammillary nucleus,medial and lateral mammillary nuclei,most part of the thalamus,medial and lateral geniculate bodies,nucleus of the optic tract,red nucleus,substantia nigra,interpeduncular nucleus,pontine nuclei,lateral parabrachial nucleus,superior olivary complex,nucleus of the trapezoid body,motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve,facial nucleus,ambiguus nucleus,cochlear nucleus,vestibular nuclei,nucleus of the solitary tract,hypoglossal nucleus,prepositus hypoglossal nucleus,medullary reticular formation,Purkinje cells of the cerebellum,nucleus raphe obscurus,intermediolateral nucleus of the spinal cord,Onuf′s nucleus and lamina X of the spinal cord.
Manufacture and servi ce of aircraft en gines, indu strial ga s turbi nes a nd space p ropulsion system s.
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builder's trial trip 承造厂试航 | builder'strial 船厂试航 | buildercertificate 承造厂证书
contractor'strial 承造厂试航 | contractor'strial 承造厂试航承造厂试验 | contractorcontroller 凸轮式控制器
contractor'sseatrials 工厂试航 | contractor'strial 承造厂试航 | contractor'strial 承造厂试航承造厂试验
过压防止装置overpressurepreventionmeans | 船东试航owner'strial | 溢流管overflowpipe
owner'strial船东自行试航 | owner'strial使用部门试航 | owner'swagon货主的货车
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