英语人>词典>英汉 : stream function的中文,翻译,解释,例句
stream function的中文,翻译,解释,例句

stream function

stream function的基本解释

[计] 流函数

更多网络例句与stream function相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The solution of partial differential equation is stream function, which is made of a group of stream surfaces.


We also give a theoretical result for the stream function form of the Navier-Stokes equation in unbounded domains.


The stream function and velocity potential are effective both in defining and the application of partioning the wind filed.


In the solution of Navier-Stokes equations, the vorticity and stream function style is used.


In this paper, we give the main requirements of the web-based course resource management system and provide the data stream charts of the key function modules.


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更多网络解释与stream function相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

stream function:流函数

如题所述,我们假设所有被调用的函数--包括流函数(stream function)在内--都是强异常安全的(即可能抛出异常,但在有异常抛出时函数没有产生任何副作用),并且假设所使用到的所有对象--包括临时对象在内--也都是异常安全的(即当这些对象被销毁时,

stream function:流[线]函数

运用流线函数(stream function)方法求解连续分布电流,离散的电流图形即可形成. 为了证实理论,对离散电流回线使用Biot-Savart定律进行了梯度磁场的重新计算. 采用这种方法,我们已能够设计限定尺寸(1.0m 1.0m)的双平面y轴向的梯度线圈,

stream function:怜数

stream flow 河流 | stream function 怜数 | stream sheet 怜层

stream function:涡量

位流:Bit stream | 涡量:Stream Function | 流媒体:stream

stream function:abbr. stf; 流函数场

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