英语人>词典>英汉 : stream down from的中文,翻译,解释,例句
stream down from的中文,翻译,解释,例句

stream down from

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But agrowing stream of refugees is heading down from the hills.


Traffic viscosity is defined as the interference of traffic wave from down stream.


Constant rain outside the glass down stream from the side looked like from your eyes out as true.


The stream flows down from the mountain.


One day, as they were walking across a stream, Morduch fell down from the bridge and died.


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A Stream Flowing Down From A High Mountain:高山流水

08 道情 Dao Qing | 09 高山流水 A Stream Flowing Down From A High Mountain | 10 柳青娘 Liu Qingniang

looking at the rain running down like the stream from our cheeks:看着雨顺着我们的面颊稀里哗啦的流下

即使所有的人都躲在屋檐下, even everyone was hiding under ... | 看着雨顺着我们的面颊稀里哗啦的流下 looking at the rain running down like the stream from our cheeks | 我喜欢和你一起跳舞, I like dancing w...