英语人>词典>英汉 : stream anchor的中文,翻译,解释,例句
stream anchor的中文,翻译,解释,例句

stream anchor

stream anchor的基本解释


更多网络例句与stream anchor相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus Satan talking to his neerest Mate With Head up-lift above the wave, and Eyes That sparkling blaz'd, his other Parts besides Prone on the Flood, extended long and large [ 195 ] Lay floating many a rood, in bulk as huge As whom the Fables name of monstrous size, Titanian, or Earth-born, that warr'd on Jove, Briareos or Typhon, whom the Den By ancient Tarsus held, or that Sea-beast [ 200 ] Leviathan, which God of all his works Created hugest that swim th' Ocean stream: Him haply slumbring on the Norway foam The Pilot of some small night-founder'd Skiff, Deeming some Island, oft, as Sea-men tell, [ 205 ] With fixed Anchor in his skaly rind Moors by his side under the Lee, while Night Invests the Sea, and wished Morn delayes: So stretcht out huge in length the Arch-fiend lay Chain'd on the burning Lake, nor ever thence [ 210 ] Had ris'n or heav'd his head, but that the will And high permission of all-ruling Heaven Left him at large to his own dark designs, That with reiterated crimes he might Heap on himself damnation, while he sought [ 215 ] Evil to others, and enrag'd might see How all his malice serv'd but to bring forth Infinite goodness, grace and mercy shewn On Man by him seduc't, but on himself Treble confusion, wrath and vengeance pour'd.


更多网络解释与stream anchor相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

stream anchor:流锚,中锚

加强,补强 strengthening | 流锚,中锚 stream anchor | 加强,补强 stiffening

stream anchor:中等重量锚

stream anchor 尾锚 | stream anchor 中等重量锚 | stream anchor 中锚

stream anchor:尾锚

streak 条纹 | stream anchor 尾锚 | stream anchor 中等重量锚

stream anchor:中锚

stream anchor 中等重量锚 | stream anchor 中锚 | stream cable 尾锚锚链

stream the sea anchor:放下海锚

stream the log 放下计程仪 | stream the sea anchor 放下海锚 | stream tube 流线管