strabismic [strə'bizmik]
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Objective To observe the effects of levodopa on strabismic amblyopia model eyes in cats, and explore amblyopia pathogenesis.
目的 观察左旋多巴对猫弱视眼模型的作用,以探讨弱视的发病机理。
In the pilot treatment experiment, strabismic subjects were tested for 8 weeks with an individually tailored motion task that was designed to stimulate the amblyopic eye.
在前趋治疗实验中,斜视个案进行8周的个别追踪动作项目检测,设计来模拟弱视眼睛;这个实验的发现显示,研究对象的视力表敏锐度,两人的弱视眼分别从 20/600 和 20/63 改善到 20/125 和 20/40,双眼视力也获得改善。
The cure rate of mild amblyopia group was higher than that of moderate amblyopia and severe amblyopia groups; the cure rate of center attention was higher than that of the noncenter, and of ametropic amblyopia was higher than that of strabismic amblyopia and anisometropic amblyopia.
- 更多网络解释 与strabismic相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
strabismal 斜视的 | strabismic 斜视的 | strabismus 斜视
strabismeter /斜视计/ | strabismic /斜视的/不健全的/ | strabismus /斜视/
strabismic amblyopia:斜视性弱视
(一)斜视性弱视(strabismic amblyopia)患者有斜视或曾有过斜视由于眼位偏斜而发生复视为了解除或克服斜视所造成的复视大脑视皮质中枢就抑制由斜视眼传入的视觉冲动斜视眼的黄斑功能长期被抑制而导致弱视这种弱视是斜视的后果是继发的功能性