stopover ['stɔp,əuvə]
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The coastal wetlands in the Yellow Sea region are important stopover sites for shorebirds along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway. Study on the stopover ecology and migration strategies of shorebirds will be helpful for understanding the mystery of bird migration, and for making conservation strategies on the migrants.
The Transfer Service Station for Chinese Government Scholarship students will provide free transfer service (including intramural accommodation, hard-seat or hard-berth train ticket and necessary medical service)to new full-scholarship students who have to make a stopover in Beijing between August 25th and September 15th.
Lonely Planet has summarized that "the most lasting impressions you'll take away of Chileans is undoubtedly of their renowned hospitality, helpfulness, genuine curiosity and heartfelt eagerness to make travelers feel at home", maybe this does not apply to Arica…..I have had the opportunity to visit this northern most city of Chile during the last Semana Santa weekend. It's a port city and also a stopover for tourists who are border crossing to Peru.
从小时候一只被气喘病纠缠着,所以在求学时与一切登山露营的活动绝缘,总觉得自己的体力不可能胜任﹐但却在后来却被本地摄影人KIM TEOH的'神灵的故居'感动了,再加上之前爬了金山牛刀小试后有了点信心,觉得如果错过了当时朋友所组织的登山团自己将会后悔,最后也就毅然参加了。
- 更多网络解释 与stopover相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
問: 中途停留 (Stopover) 是什麼意思?环亚特惠套票容许持票人中途停留几次?問: 转机 (Transfer) 是什麼意思?可转机几次?問: 中途停留(Stopover)是什麼意思?环太平洋特惠套票允许中途停留几次?問: 转机(Transfer)是什麼意思?
比较意外的是Tina告诉我从北京回美国的路上,可以经停(stopover)日本东京,后来我又查到在东京可以办shore pass,所谓的落地签,可以有72小时,并且可以出机场.
itinerary, route 旅行路线 | stopover 中途下车暂停 | stage 停歇点,中间站
stopover:中途停留 (转机)
37. sail 航行 | 38. stopover 中途停留 (转机) | 39. terminal (飞机,汽车)终点站
stopover flights:中途過境某地或轉機的航程
56.spree :狂------------------------------------------------... | 57.stopover flights :中途過境某地或轉機的航程------------------ A 89/7/17 | 58.shantytown :克難村--------------------------------------...
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