英语人>词典>英汉 : stewarding的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[变形] steward的现在分词


乘务员, 管理人, 招待员

更多网络例句与stewarding相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Is required to remove all dirty dishes and glassware from the restaurant to the stewarding areas on a bussing tray, ensuring that the equipment is properly stacked and placed on the tray.


In a five star hotel previously in the stewarding department.


D in a five star hotel previously in the stewarding department.


Currently, the website has owned a serial of disseminative material such as internet, e-mail, Text message, call center, exhibition and competition, making it the of target highly centralized E-business promotion platform. Under the guidance of the Chinese Equestrian Association, it has organized the first National Barrel Racing Championship, the FEI stewarding training course, the English accreditation system for Chinese Riding Clubs.

目前网站已经聚合网络、电子邮件、短信、电话 CALL CENTER 、展览和赛事等一系列传播资源,成为目标人群高度集中的电子商务营销推广平台,依托强大而精准的行业传播能力,为 FEI 的马术游戏、中国国际马展、德国冻精繁殖计划、欧洲育马企业 STEPHEX STABLES 等十多个行业企业和产品进行了推广。

What makes you think I do anything besides stewarding?


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更多网络解释与stewarding相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


厨师Commiss 1 | 管事部STEWARDING | 管事部经理Chief Steward


Cooker helper厨师帮工 | Stewarding 管事员 | Assistant Chief Engineer 副总工程师

Stewarding Captain:餐务组领班

咖啡厅领班 Cafe Captain | 餐务组领班 Stewarding Captain | 花店员工 Flower Shop Attendant

Stewarding Captain:管事领班

kitchen supervisor 厨房主管 | stewarding Captain 管事领班 | hot kitchen staff 热厨员工

Stewarding Manager:管事部经理

Stewarding Office 管事部 | Stewarding Manager 管事部经理 | 3/F Dish Washing Room 三楼洗碗间

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