step by step
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The main products are as follows, three different step motors of YS series, the YY series electric capacity operates the asynchronous motor, YC (YC2) serial single-phase electric capacities start the asynchronous motor, the YU series resistance starts the asynchronous motor, asynchronous motor of electric capacity of a pair of value of YL series, three different step motors of Y series, three different step motors of Y2 series, YD series change the asynchronous motor of extremely many speeds, YH series are transfered to three different step motors of difference rate high, the YCJ series gear wheel moderates three different step motors, YEJ series electromagnetic to apply the brake three different step motor, YCT series electromagnetic to transfer speed three different step motor , YVP series frequency conversion transfer speed asynchronous motor , YSF series axle flow fan special-purpose three different step motor, Three different step motors of YZU series vibration source , the electronic device of YDF2 series valve uses three different step motors and YOX series limit distance type hydraulic coincidence device , ZLY spatters and makes such 28 series and more than 1500 specifications as the coil post tooth decelerator ,etc..
The third: a round-step, half step-by-step evolution version can be used to deal withbefore and after half-step or a step-by-step, step-by-step round of the advantages is that it's flexible, as long as theother side of a knife does not, then you have a good chance to kill Flying The enemy or the enemy's injury.
The process of three-step countercurrentleaching is presented, in the first leaching step Fe as leading impurity inthe matte is leached priorly, Co and Ni are enriched in the residue of thefirst step and then are leached in the second leaching step with a lowconcentration acid, the residue from the second step containing hardleaching Fe, Co and Ni are leached with a high concentration sulfuricacid in the third step, and Cu stays in the final resude, the leachate of thethird leaching step is diluted and divided into two parts as the leachantsto the first and second leaching step.
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step by step:循序渐进
甚至比微软公司还要高.公司创始人马丁.安德鲁逊从彼特.德莱卡那里得到启发,然后想出这个业务改进计划的.从第2章起,我们就要借助于那些天才的头脑,循序渐进(step by step)的检查一下你们公司
step by step:逐步
以海斯格(Haissagurre)等为代表的"逐步(step by step)"消融策略包括PVI+CFAE消融+线性消融等复合消融,用于慢性房颤成功率极高. 消融部位不仅涵盖左右肺静脉,还包括左右心耳(LAA和RAA)(主要是基底部)、冠状静脉窦(CS)、LOM、SVC、CFAE、左房顶部线、二尖瓣环峡部线(MI)、三尖瓣环峡部线(CTI)及局灶等.
step by step:一步一步
按系统的控制目标,希望在某一风速下风轮机能够沿着功率曲线"一步一步"(step by step)的移动到最佳功率负载线附近,所以要求系统在每一调整的离散的时间点上达到稳态工作点.
step by step:渐进
第一章 内科疑难病的诊断思维第二章 临床病例分析:循序渐进(Step by step)病例1 发热,咳嗽,右上腹痛病例2 体位改变性胸痛病例3 发热、咳嗽、咯血、多脏器衰竭合并严重免疫缺陷
Ascending step by step:步步高
10 雨打芭蕉 Raindrops struck the Banana Leaves | 11 花间碟 Butterfly Flying in Flowers | 12 步步高 Ascending step by step
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