英语人>词典>英汉 : steamed bun的中文,翻译,解释,例句
steamed bun的中文,翻译,解释,例句

steamed bun

steamed bun的基本解释

包子, [医]馒头

更多网络例句与steamed bun相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results: The peak responses of postprandial glucose and C-peptide were postponed; their values and the incremental area under curve of glucose responses of gruels were obviously lower than that of steamed bun (P.05). While both glycemic index and C-peptide index of steamed bun were set as 100, the glycemic index and C-peptide index of gruel A were 67, 99, and of gruel B were 57, 97 in NIDDM patients, 53, 69 in healthy subject.

结果 1。三组餐后血糖、C肽峰值显著低于馒头,血糖反应增值面积有显著性差异,以C组最低,A组最高;2.A、B两组C肽曲线增值面积显著低于C组;3.A、B、C三组血糖、C肽指数分别为67、99,57、97和53、69;4.B、C组血糖指数显著低于A组,C组的C肽指数明显低于A、B组。

Apart from some certain ultra-popular staples,"gastronome-class snacks" include raw-fried bun, barbecue roll, boneless chicken feet, fried chicken steak with pickled vegetable sauce, Xinjiang grilled skewers, traditional flavoured ice black tea, roasted duck in steamed bun, miner's hand roll, Dongshan duck head, moon-shaped shrimp cake, etc.


Go up so that house of bubble steamed bun gets 2 Xiaolou, famous Gu San is on ability discovery street house of fill soup steamed stuffed bun...↓ 2, again crooked head looks toward left, full street is Mai Laniu queueing up the tourist of the flesh and hotpot.


更多网络解释与steamed bun相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

:Baked Bun:烤馒头

鲜奶馒头 :Steamed Bun with Milk | 烤馒头 :Baked Bun | 椒盐花卷 :Steamed Twisted Rolls with Salt and Pepper

Vegetarian Bun:素菜包

山笋香菇包 :Steamed Bun Stuffed with Bamboo Shoots and Black Mushrooms | 素菜包 :Vegetarian Bun | 鲜虾生肉包 :Steamed Bun Stuffed with Shrimps and Pork

a trayful of steamed bread; a trayful of steamed buns:一屉馒头

白面馒头 steamed bread; steamed bun | 一屉馒头 a trayful of steamed bread; a trayful of steamed buns | 馒子 steamed bread; steamed bun