英语人>词典>英汉 : statistical inference的中文,翻译,解释,例句
statistical inference的中文,翻译,解释,例句

statistical inference

statistical inference的基本解释

[化] 统计推断

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This thesis is devoted to a study of statistical inference for diffusion processes and some applications in finance.


Bootstrap become more and more important in the modern statistical inference.


However, according to the professional design, our mathematical statistics courses are offered only to discuss statistical inference.


In this paper, problems of trend test in clinical experiment are studied mainly by the statistical inference meth...


ABSTRACT The statistical inference of storage reliability for repairable systems is discussed in this paper.


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Statistical inference:统计推断

统计推断(Statistical inference)就是根据样本的实际数据,对总体的数量特征作出具有一定可靠程度的估计和判断. 统计推断的基本内容有参数估计和假设检验两方面. 概括地说,研究一个随机变量,推断它具有什么样的数量特征,按什么样的模式来变动,

Statistical inference:统计推论

4.统计推论(statistical inference)超越了我们手中的数据而对于一个更大的总体(universe)做出结论,结论中要考虑到"变异无所不在"和"结论并不确定"这两项认识.

Statistical inference:统计归纳

statistical induction 统计图 | statistical inference 统计归纳 | statistical map 统计推断

Statistical inference:统计推理

statistical induction 统计归纳 | statistical inference 统计推理 | statistical information 统计信息

Statistical Inference Method:统计推论法

现值因子-----Present value Factor | 统计推论法-----Statistical Inference Method | 组合可能区域-----Portfolio Possibility Area

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