英语人>词典>英汉 : station agent的中文,翻译,解释,例句
station agent的中文,翻译,解释,例句

station agent

station agent的基本解释


更多网络例句与station agent相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"That's all right," drawled the old man."So is the station agent."


She see a ticket agent station over there an on every occasion of.


The results show that the exact and timely exchange and transmission of monitoring information are attained from management agent to management station .


Either from the station or from a ticket agent in the town/city.


This paper studies some communicative problems necessary for accommodating-err mechanism between management station and management agent, as well as necessary for synchronism mechanism to lead in.


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station agent:站长

conductor 车掌 | station agent 站长 | porter 行李夫

station agent:[美](小火车站)站长; (较大火车站)某一部门的负责人

secret-service agent 特工人员 | station agent [美](小火车站)站长; (较大火车站)某一部门的负责人 | turf commission agent 为赛马赌博登记赌注的商人

station agent:站务员

车站大厅station hall | 站务员Station Agent | 服务员Station Attendant

station agent:站长jrK中国英语学习网

conductor 车掌jrK中国英语学习网 | station agent 站长jrK中国英语学习网 | porter 行李夫jrK中国英语学习网

The Station Agent:心灵驿站

锚湾公司本周宣布将于10月7日推出>(The Visitor)的DVD和BD,本片是曾于03年导出>(The Station Agent)的托马斯.麦卡锡时隔5年后的新作,走的仍是温情+感人的线路,隐约中也让人感觉出了今年第一股奥斯卡的硝烟.

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