英语人>词典>英汉 : spread oneself thin的中文,翻译,解释,例句
spread oneself thin的中文,翻译,解释,例句

spread oneself thin

spread oneself thin的基本解释

同时干太多的工作致使一样没干好, 劳累过度, 承担过多的工作

更多网络解释与spread oneself thin相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

spread oneself thin:试图同时干太多的工作

spread like wildfire 迅速传播 | spread oneself thin 试图同时干太多的工作 | spread oneself 舒展四肢

spread oneself thin:[口]企图同时做很多事情而分散精力; 贪多嚼不烂

spread oneself [口]舒展四肢(躺下) 夸夸其谈, 舞文弄墨 过分殷勤(待客) | spread oneself thin [口]企图同时做很多事情而分散精力; 贪多嚼不烂 | spread out 张开, 伸开, 铺开, 扩大[张], 展开, 伸长

Spread oneself too thin:心力交瘁

? Handwriting on the wall.显而易见的危险 | ? Spread oneself too thin 心力交瘁 | ? run-down筋疲力尽

Spread oneself too thin:过劳

284. The handwriting is on the wall.显而易见的结果. | 285. Spread oneself too thin.过劳. | 286. Rundown.精疲力竭,破败不堪.