英语人>词典>英汉 : spiral staircase的中文,翻译,解释,例句
spiral staircase的中文,翻译,解释,例句

spiral staircase

spiral staircase的基本解释


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More and more houses are beginning to be equipped with spiral staircase.


At its center you will find a double spiral staircase that was said to be designed by Leonardo da Vinci.


Furthermore, it connects with the basement and the upper pivoted parallelepiped through a white steel spiral shaped staircase and an elevator.


It is made of ten tons of steel and has a spiral staircase that leads to the seat.


Cathedral, a spacious church with a spiral staircase from ground to roof of over 900 steps, all in white

这是一个很大的教堂,有9 百多级全部是白色石头台阶的螺旋形楼梯从地面一直通向屋顶。

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spiral stair, winding staircase:螺旋楼梯

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spiral staircase:螺旋梯

spiral spring 螺旋形弹簧 | spiral staircase 螺旋梯 | spiral stairs 螺旋梯

spiral staircase:螺旋型階梯

dungeon --地窖 | spiral staircase--螺旋型階梯 | Diagon Alley--斜角巷

spiral staircase:螺旋式楼梯

spiral 螺旋的; 蜷线的; 螺线的; 盘旋的 (形) | spiral staircase 螺旋式楼梯 | spirally 成螺旋形地 (副)

The Spiral Staircase:螺旋梯

木兵大進擊March of the Wooden Soldiers | 螺旋梯The Spiral Staircase | 日正當中High Noon

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