英语人>词典>英汉 : spine的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,拼写相似词汇

spine [spain]


背骨, 脊柱, 尖刺

  • His spine developed a slight curve.
  • 他的脊柱有点弯曲。
  • Threats merely stiffened his spine.
  • 威胁只能使他更加坚毅。
  • He has spine and starch.
  • 他有骨气,有热情。
  • The land is flat and marshy before rising to a spine of low hills.
  • 这一带地形平坦而多沼泽,再往远去地势隆起,形成矮山陵地。
  • The cactus has spines.
  • 仙人掌有刺。
n. backbone
Plant / 植物 [187]

vascular plant  ·  terminal bud  ·  simple leaf  ·  sea weed  ·  sage brush  ·  petrified wood  ·  opposite leaves  ·  lateral bud  ·  lanceolate leaf  ·  incomplete flower

Body / 身体 [163]

urinary system  ·  respiratory system  ·  red blood cells  ·  lumbar vertebrae  ·  fallopian tubes  ·  endocrine system  ·  collar bone  ·  cervical vertebrae  ·  blood vessels  ·  ball of the foot

更多 网络例句 与spine相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Department of Spine, Beijing Ji Shui Tan Hospital;Department of Spine, Beijing Ji Shui Tan Hospital;Beijing Yihuajian Science and Trade Co., Ltd;Department of Spine, Beijing Ji Shui Tan Hospital;Department of Spine, Beijing Ji Shui Tan Hospital;Traumatic Orthopedic Institute of Beijing;Traumatic Orthopedic Institute of Beijing;Beijing Yihuajian Science and Trade Co., Ltd


Objective: The experiment will to observe: 1、the compound composed of carriers and rhBMP-2 excels or is similar to autologous iliac crest in posterolateral intertransverse spine arthrodesis in rabbits, 2、it may eliminated thd nonuions, 3、To explore the biologic process in spine arthrodesis and the role that accelaterated spine arthrodesis, 4、the roles of HA in spine fusion, by those compounds are used in posterolateral intertransverse fusion in rabbits.

目的:本实验通过rhBMP-2、HA复合物在兔子腰椎后外侧横突间融合的过程,观察了解:(1)rhBMP-2复合物在兔子腰椎后外侧横突间融合中,其作用能否优于或至少与自体髂骨相同,能否取代自体髂骨,免去取骨术。(2) rhBMP-2复合物的应用能否消除不融合的发生。(3)进一步了解脊柱融合的生物学过程,及rhBMP-2在脊柱融合生物学过程中所起的作用。(4)探讨HA在脊柱融合中的作用。

The "daVinci representation"(right panel of Figure 6) is a comprehensive visual representation of the scoliotic spine that illustrates the orientation of the planes of maximum curvature of the 3 spine segments in the transverse view. The center of the circular plot is the point where the central hip vertical axis (CHVA, CHVA is a true vertical bisecting the bi-femoral head axis, often considered to represent the physiological center of balance of the spine-pelvic unit) intersects the transverse plane and every arrow radiating from the center represents a spine segment (PT, MT, and TL/L).


更多网络解释 与spine相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


上海中医药大学脊柱病研究所及上海中医药大学附属龙华医院教授王拥军率领的课题组完成了益气化瘀方防治软骨终板内软骨细胞凋亡的相关系列研究. 其成果获得中华医学科技奖一等奖,这是全国中医药界目...抗FAS抗体诱导椎间盘软骨细胞凋亡模型建立方法发表在国际脊柱病研究杂志>(Spine)上...


南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院邱勇教授等科研人员的一项最新研究发现,特发性脊柱侧凸的女性患者有体型偏瘦、骨量偏低和体内瘦素浓度偏低等特点,其降低的瘦素浓度可能是联系体型偏瘦和骨量偏低之间关系的重要因素. 这一研究成果近日刊登在世界脊柱外科学术刊物 >(Spine)上.


这项由美国西弗吉尼亚大学完成的研究发表在9月刊的>(Spine)杂志上. 研究人员将90名年龄在23岁至66岁之间的轻度或中度慢性腰痛患者分成两组进行测试. 在6个月时间内,一组人每周做两次各持续90分钟的瑜伽练习,


主持研究的是达特茅斯医学中心骨科主任、>(Spine)杂志社总编韦恩斯坦. 他也是非手术治疗腰背痛的积极拥趸者,并因此遭到了其他外科医生的排斥. 但这对韦恩斯坦并没有产生影响. 他说,真正困扰他的是"患者把脊椎交到我手上",

hypopygial spine:(瘿蜂属)肛下刺

cord pendant lamp 吊灯 | hypopygial spine (瘿蜂属)肛下刺 | conductive coupling 电导耦合

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