英语人>词典>英汉 : spin-off的中文,翻译,解释,例句




更多 网络例句 与spin-off相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Concretely speaking, using the irreducible tensor theory, we deuced the formulism for fine-structure energies of boron-like atoms in the ground and first excited states, which involves spin-orbit, spin-spin and spin-other-orbit interactions; completing all the angular integrations and spin summations needed, we make the final expression for fine-structure energies of boron-like atoms in the ground and first excited states in a combination of radial integrations. Afterwards, employing the wave functions we got in Chapter Three, we accomplished all the radial integrations and so obtained the fine-structure energies.


Afterwards, using the spherical tensor form of many-electron atom Hamilton and the irreducible tensor theory, the relativistic and fine-structure energy correction to the non-relativistic energy of Boron-like atoms in the ground and the first excited states have been further investigated. A theoretically analytic way has been given as to the calculation of all the radial integrations and spin summations, which concern interactions such as orbit-orbit, spin-orbit, spin-spin and spin-other-orbit. Therefore, the whole process of calculating the many- electron atom energy structures has been explicitly revealed and the results are relatively precise and satisfactory.


We review the recent progress in the research on spin-orbit coupling and intrinsic spin Hall effect in semiconductor microstructures, including a detailed discussion of the physical origin of spin-orbit coupling in semiconductor microstructures and the intrinsic spin Hall effect in narrow-gap semiconductor quantum wells.


更多网络解释 与spin-off相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


我不知道workout应该怎麼翻译,其实这一类就是套利arbitrage,具体来说就是涉及收购、合并(M&A)、分拆(spin off)、破产重组(re-organization)、清算(liquidation)等等.


如同>催生出>一样,新剧也会是一种副产品(spin off)系列. ""矛盾不是主要因为钱,而是因为(KBS)过於坚持以己为主的贯例. 有节目编排权的主流电视台太霸道了. 电视节目制作公司在这样的环境中工作,这使我很惊讶.


无奈,广达手机部门成立之始,就没有明确分割(spin off)出来,策略失当让广达走了冤枉路. NB代工这三年的价格战,杀戮得血流成河,在抢资源都来不及的情况下,更遑论有效整合集团资源,全力发展手机业务. 摩根士丹利证券(Morgan Stanley)研究部执行董事曾雅兰分析,


利决策规则 必须把回报股东作为公司重要目标之一 应当支付多少的股利 如何选择支付股利的形式 现金 回购 剥离(spin off) 企业的本质 利益关系人(stakeholders):任何可能影响企业目标或被企业目标影响的个人或集团 所有者(股东,

spin-off benefits:附带利益

spin-forming and flow-forming machines;旋压成形机床和滚压成形机床;; | spin-off benefits;附带利益;; | spiral structure of cloudiness in the occluded cyclone;锢囚气旋云星的螺旋结构;;

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