spike [spaik]
- spike的基本解释
长钉, 穗, 钉鞋
- There are spikes on the bottom of shoes used for running.
- 跑鞋底部有钉子。
以大钉钉牢, 阻止, 用尖物刺穿, 弃置不用
- The boys spiked the drinks, so everyone at the party got drunk.
- 男孩们把烈酒搀入饮料,所以宴会中的每个人都喝醉了。
- 相似词
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As everyone knows, the spike is only one shot to kill, as long as a fatal blow, but unfortunately, time is too short spike, only a miserable 30 minutes, while the spike of the low probability of success is poor, I have a few or even Fire killed a beast in the骑将did not like the spike, a group of strange soldiers cited a half or so of the monthly probability of very much, Master ice can roar, priests, the only one up at the knife fight, In general, the players will be picked up after the spike it is very difficult to play big strange, but short spike, it may not wait until the place was already an hour, so the present situation, recommended to Hemosiderosis three, I each spike and get hit all go there to fight the fire beast骑将, Zuma matter, inorganic Ling animal attack and destroy a lot of violence, another spike appears to be invalid on the Balrog, I tried three no连杀about the spike.
Now we have known that SARS-CoV encoded 11 varietal proteins. They have 4 constitutive proteins: spike protein, membrane protein, envelope protein and nucleocapsid protein. Spike protein trimer form spike and exsertion? virus peplos on the surface. Spike protein is archi-surface antigen component of virus, it has acceptor binding and membrane fusion activity. Spike protein has important effect at tissue tropism, cell-fusion and toxicity. Nucleocapsid protein can bind genome RNA to shape neucleocapsid. Membrane protein and envelope protein are necessary constituent to shape virus peplos. Spike protein is I-type membrane glycoprotein, it mediate virus binding with host cell epimembranal acceptor and to fuse host cell membrane.
Effect of protein and lipid in rice on starch physicochemical characteristics, difference between the region of non-chalkiness and chalkiness of rice, dynamic variation of cell structure and CaM distribution on rice spike were expounded in this study. It was found that protein and lipid in rice had important effect on starch gelatinization, there were distinct differences between the region of non-chalkiness and chalkiness of rice, vascular bundle system in rice spike was changed during grain filling, difference quality of different position of rice spike was more distinct in dense spike rice for more powerful vascular bundle system, the development of rice seeds was corresponded to pericarp development, difference quality of different position of rice spike was also related to transport function of rachilla besides activity of "source", and calmodulin relative activity was closely related to grain filling velocity and enginery properties.
- 更多网络解释 与spike相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
根据对其他种类冠状病毒的研究结果,刺突(spike)蛋白(S蛋白)是病毒的主要表面抗原,重组S蛋白可用于临床诊治,疫苗制备和结构生物学研究. SARS病毒S蛋白基因被分段和完整地克隆到不同的细菌表达载体进行了表达. 通过宿主菌的选择和条件的优化,
冻害道钉 机制道钉 、普通道钉、螺旋道钉、冻害道钉、弹簧道钉 道钉(spike)用于联结钢轨和轨枕或垫板和轨枕的一种扣件. 通常分为五种:普通道钉、冻害道钉、螺纹道钉、弹簧道钉、螺旋道钉. 1.普通道钉
在几轮欧洲角逐中,2名参赛者是美国"标枪"(Javelin)对以色列"斯派克"(Spike). "斯派克"因低成本赢得了几家较小军队的合同如芬兰、荷兰和波兰,但"标枪"因2003年被英国选中而大获全胜. 恢复老式导弹如"陶"(TOW)、"霍特"(HOT)和"米兰"(Milan)的生产;
该方法亦可包括在RF电力源激活的过程中, 量测面板DC偏压电压随着时间变化的函数,其中在面板上所量测的电压中的一尖 峰值(spike)指出在处理室中发生一电弧(arcing)现象.
Autobot Spike:汽车人斯派克
在>(Autobot Spike)一集中,斯派克普拉用一堆汽车人的零件制造出了一个名叫汽车人X的机器人,但这家伙的程序有问题,并不受控制,众人关闭了他.
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