英语人>词典>英汉 : songfest的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

songfest ['sɔŋfest]



更多网络例句与songfest相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thought of that is pain which will breathe, it will live on my body all corners, humph you will love the songfest pain, looked that your letter will meet the pain, including will silence also painful.


Then, what type the modernist school poem songfest does bring for middle-school students reading and the thought the change, has these to be worth the discussion place?


Greece wrapped up the homecoming Olympics on Sunday night with an extravagant songfest at the main stadium for more than 100,000 people, including athletes and volunteers.


Invite parents to visit classrooms whenever they wish to do so and send special invitations for culmination of a unit, puppet play, songfest, etc.


"The eldest child, I 9:20 visits this morning an approximately customer to the factory, looks at the sample, you accompany me to discuss that", in the telephone my colleague, the customer is a school, the middle school, at the end of the month will have anything probably "the great songfest", the whole city school must participate, therefore their teacher wants to make to order the clothing, will let us discuss, opposite party unit will be very far, drives takes for one-and-a-half hours.


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更多网络解释与songfest相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


songbook 歌谣集 | songfest 民谣歌唱大会 | songful 旋律美妙的


山歌恋 Shepherd Girl, The 1963 | 山歌姻缘 Songfest 1963 | 艳女还魂 Ghost Lovers, The 1974


山歌恋(邵氏) The Shepherd Girl | 山歌姻缘(邵氏) Songfest | 上海伦巴 Shanghai Rumba

songfest:民谣歌唱大会 (名)

songbook 歌谣集, 歌集 (名) | songfest 民谣歌唱大会 (名) | songful 旋律美妙的; 音调优美的 (形)

The Third-Month Songfest/The Singing Carnival:壮族三月歌墟(歌婆节)

侗族花炮节 Firecrackers Festival of the Dong's | 壮族三月歌墟(歌婆节) The Third-Month Songfest/The Singing Carnival | 仡佬族牛王节 Ox King Festival