英语人>词典>英汉 : solidifiable的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

solidifiable [sə'lidifaiəbl]


可团结一致的, 能凝固的, 可变硬的, 可充实的

更多网络例句与solidifiable相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The application of low pressure boiling technique could increase wort boiling temperature to 100.5 ℃ and advance protein agglomeration and reduce solidifiable nitrogen content to 0.5 mg/100 mL. Maillard reaction and Brown reaction were strengthened in the boiling, melanoidin and melanoid compound contents increased, wort chromaticity improved, and the oxidation resistance of wort strengthened. Besides, the boiling intensity dropped from 9 %~12 % to 7 %~8 % and boiling time shortened to 10~20 min, which improved production efficiency and saved 20 % energy and improved beer non-biological stability.

采用低压煮沸工艺,可提高煮沸麦汁温度至100.5 ℃,加强蛋白质凝聚,麦汁可凝固氮下降0.5 mg/100 mL;煮沸过程加强了美拉德反应、&棕色反应&,类黑精、类黑素化合物增加,麦汁色度增加,麦汁的抗氧化能力增强;煮沸强度从9 %~12 %降至7 %~8 %,煮沸时间缩短10~20 min,提高生产效率,节约能源20 %;改善啤酒非生物稳定性。

The differences in the diffusion ability of Si in the common and rapid solidifiable Al-Si brazing metal were preliminarily investigated and discussed.


Dept. of orthopedics of the People's Hospital of FengRun district TangShan HeBei , 064000,China Percutaneous vertebroplasty is a minimally invasive techniques in spine surgery , solidifiable material is injected into the diseased Vertebro of neck, thoraco and lumbar spine under imaging guidance for the treatment of pain and dysfunction caused by bone cancer and vertebral fractures. the purpose is to let the patients can move early and improve their quality of life.

经皮椎体成形术 Percutaneous Vertebroplasty是脊柱外科领域的一项微创技术,旨在影象引导下经皮向颈、胸、腰椎椎体的病变部位注入凝固性材料用以治疗椎体骨折和溶骨性骨肿瘤引起的疼痛和功能障碍,达到早期下床活动,改善生活质量的目的。

更多网络解释与solidifiable相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


solidary /团结一致/ | solidifiable /可变硬/可充实/可固化/可凝固/ | solidified /固化的/固体化的/


solidifiable 可变硬 | solidifiable 可充实 | solidifiable 可固化


solidaritysolidarizesolidary 团结一致 | solidifiable 可变硬 | solidifiable 可充实


solidifiable 可充实 | solidifiable 可固化 | solidifiable 可凝固