soigne [swɑ:'njei]
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整齐的, 整洁的
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Then in her forties, Pickford was unable to play the teenage spitfires so adored by her silent-film fans; nor could she play the soigne heroines of early sound.
Tati has produced only six features in his entire career, which, however, help him to gain an international reputation, as well as a unique position in cinema history. Took part in many short films in the 30s, namely Tati participated the writing and acting of René Clément's short film Soigne ton gauche (1936), Tati begun his cinematic occupation as a actor and director.
他一生完成了六部长篇电影,但就是这仅有的六部作品使他赢得了非同凡响的国际声誉,并且奠定了他在电影史上独一无二的地位。1936年,塔蒂参与剧本创作并出演了雷内·克莱芒(René Clément)的短片《小心左边》,从此开始了他作为喜剧演员和喜剧电影导演的生涯。1949年,塔蒂导演了长篇处女作《节日》,并凭借这部电影获得了当年威尼斯电影节的最佳导演奖。
Their vertical growth are slow, and height are obviously lower than other centipedegrass, especially choiceness in texture and uniformity; leaves of P23. P2. P25 are slim and soft, texture of them are finer, appearances of P22. P24 are flat and soigne, uniformitiy of them are the best.
- 更多网络解释 与soigne相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
soigne:整齐的, 整洁的
question time (英国议会中大臣答复议员所提问题的)质询时间 | soigne 整齐的, 整洁的 | in space 片刻就, 一会儿就
soi-disant 自称的 | soigne 整齐的 | soil conservation 土壤保持
GIORGIO ARMANI 粉餅 | SOIGNE 布甸面膜(贊!!) | SISLEY 大部分產品
1986-87 阿尔米多 ARMIDE Sequence pour le film ARIA | 1987 关注右侧 SOIGNE TA DROITE | 1987 李尔王 KING LEAR
. 1986-1987 > ARMIDE Sequence pour le film ARIA | . 1986-1987 > SOIGNE TA DROITE | . 1987 > KING LEAR
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