英语人>词典>英汉 : sodium acetate的中文,翻译,解释,例句
sodium acetate的中文,翻译,解释,例句

sodium acetate

sodium acetate的基本解释

[化] 乙酸钠

更多网络例句与sodium acetate相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The synthesis of sucrose octaacetate from sucrose with acetic anhydride in the presence of anhydrous sodium acetate is reported.


Its best carbon source is sodium acetate and best nitrogen source is ammonium chloride.


Its best carbon source is sodium acetate andbest nitrogen source is ammonium chloride.


The total chemical oxygen demand of 325mg/L was composed of 175 mg/L casein, 90 mg/L starch, 30 mg/L capric acid, 15 mg/L of glycerol, and 15 mg/L sodium acetate.

总的化学需氧量COD325mg/L,由175 mg/L酪蛋白,90 mg/L淀粉,30 mg/L富氧酸,15 mg/L甘油,15 mg/L醋酸钠组成。

The company also production and operation of rubber, plastics and plasticizers series of sodium acetate and four chlorobenzene quinone, and other fine products.


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sodium acetate:醋酸钠

如口服含有扑热息痛(paracetamol)的液体餐,摄取后,测定血中的扑热息痛含量. 因为扑热息痛一旦排空入十二指肠即开始吸收. 所以,血中随时间变化的扑热息痛含量可用作胃排空的指标. 在液体食物中,用13C醋酸钠(sodium acetate)做标记物.

sodium acetate:乙酸钠

95. 乙醚 ether | 96. 乙酸钠 sodium acetate | 97. 乙酸乙酯 ethyl actetate

sodium acetate:醋酸钠(乙酸钠)

26 、硫酸钡 Barium sulfate | 27 、氯化钯(二氯化钯、钯炭) Palladium chloride | 28 、醋酸钠(乙酸钠) Sodium acetate

sodium acetate:乙酸钠,结晶醋酸钠,醋酸钠

sodium acetarsone ==> (抗滴虫药)乙酰胂胺钠 | sodium acetate ==> 乙酸钠,结晶醋酸钠,醋酸钠 | sodium acetazolamide ==> 乙酰唑胺钠

anhydrous sodium acetate:无水醋酸钠

无水碳酸钾 Anhydrous potassium carbonate | 无水醋酸钠 Anhydrous sodium acetate | 无水砷酸氢二钠 Anhydrous sodium arsenate

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