英语人>词典>英汉 : sodic的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

sodic ['səudik]


[化]钠的, 含钠的

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In this area, there are both potassic and sodic volcanic rocks; and there are also eruptive lavas, and some subvolc


For example, the evaporations from the sodic soil were 3.2 times and 2.9 times of those from the maize glebe during maize growing season in 1998 and 2000 respectively.


In contrast, the two rock associations at the south belts were derived from mesomatised lithospheric mantle. However, the ultramfic-alkaline rock association was resulted from immiscibility of parent magma, whereas sodic alkaline rocks were produced by highly differentiation at deep level.


Mineralogically these granites contain annite-rich biotite and/or alkali amphiboles and commonly sodic pyroxene.


The polymeric soil amendmentswere applied in increasing soil value,and reclamation of saliane sodic soil,and greeningdesert,and controlling water and soil erosion,and amending arid and semiarid soil,andincreasing fertilizer utilization rate and crop yield,etc.


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sodic soil:碱土

sodic metasomatism 钠质交代酌 | sodic soil 碱土 | sodium 钠

sodic soil:钠质土

soddy podzolic soil 生草灰化土 | sodic soil 钠质土 | sodium 钠

sodic soil:苏打土

sod horizon 生草层 | sodic soil 苏打土 | sodium 钠

sodic soil:碱(化)土

入渗:soil water infiltration | 碱(化)土:sodic soil | 改土:improve soil condition

sodic metasomatism:钠质交代酌

soddy podzolic soil 草生灰化土 | sodic metasomatism 钠质交代酌 | sodic soil 碱土

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