英语人>词典>英汉 : social service的中文,翻译,解释,例句
social service的中文,翻译,解释,例句

social service

social service的基本解释


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I like to do social service from my heart.


It is strategically important to improve social service system for encouraging development of small and medium-sized enterprises.


Social service is really what I am thinking to do in the future.


Information service for social development and boost image needs, but also the focus of the next step.


School social work is a special service area in social work.


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更多网络解释与social service相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

social service:社会服务

按其章程规定只可将其利润(如有的话)及其他收入用於促进该等宗旨,其章程并禁止向其成员支付股息;及(b) "社会服务"(social service) 指为社会的利益而提供一项或多於一项以下服务-"空缺宣布"(vacancy declaration) 指根据本条例第5条作出的宣布;

social service:社会公益服务

social security 社会保障 | social service 社会公益服务 | social studies 社会学科

social service:社会服务业

新兴行业emerging industry | 社会服务业social service | 房地产业real estate industry

social service:社会活动

农业社会化服务体系:The agricultural social service system | 社会活动:Social service | 社会服务:Social Service

social service training:社会服务训练

法学院|college of law; law college; law school | 社会服务训练|social service training | 社会科学|social science

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