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social morality的中文,翻译,解释,例句

social morality

social morality的基本解释

[法] 社会道德, 公德

更多网络例句与social morality相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Since the contradiction between society and homosexualist is the contradiction of the morality of sex, any thinking of"sociology" on the problem of homosexuality shown in the THE OUTSIDES lies in his enrichment and development the social morality of sex in a kind of humane way of morality of sex.


But the morality is in principle not quantifiable and untestable speculation, few researchers investigate the practical research on relevant morality cognition. The research method employs Social Judgment Theory,(SJT, Hammond, 1975) to investigate that Kaohsiung city citizen think about multiple attributes relevant information to reflect morality cognition of fairness or careness in the everyday life. The aim is to prove the abstract concept of morality judgment, provide the base of empirical structure in the future study, and reflect individuality society structure state.

本研究以社会判断(Social Judgment Theory, SJT)为研究方法,探讨高雄市民众在日常生活运作中,必须同时考虑多个相关属性资讯,依本身价值体系直觉认知对於日常公、私事务作价值判断,成为日常生活最基本的现象,藉由道德认知代验证公平或关怀的抽象观,提供未道德研究的实证架构,以及从个体同的道德认知判断的结果反映所在社会生活域结构。

Although Confucian ethics focuses on personal morality, during the construction of Chinese social morality it has great value of times, which mainly lies in the following aspects: avocations of humanity , emphasis on harmonious personal relationships; creation of fine social atmosphere; stress on personal moral cultivation, admiration of ideal personality and pursuit of a perfect life value.


更多网络解释与social morality相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

social morality:社会公德

综观世界各国或各地区民法关于法律行为或合同有效要件的规定,可以说,这些立法均毫无例外的以一定的表征公共利益(commonweal& public goods)或 社会 公德(social morality)等 内容 的范畴对当事人所比较法学--对于世界上不同法律体系的比较[1]--提供了一种学术事业的范例,

social morality:社会道德

但是它不能区分法律与非法律体系我们也可以以类比的方式考虑一下社会道德因为,同样的条件也可以适用于社会道德某一道德不是特定人群中的社会道德(social morality),除非它一般地被该人群所遵守和接受在此,

social morality:社会风气

扫黄运动 anti-porn drive | 社会风气 social morality | 社会风尚 social graces; social graciousness