英语人>词典>英汉 : sky-clad的中文,翻译,解释,例句




更多网络例句与sky-clad相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Since China's first seed, Lyc, ended up with the same fate as TitaN; Sky was moved up into Lyc's group -- touted as the "group of death", even before Sky found himself into that deathtrap.


The way to beat sky is to counter his micro with yours in early game and than you recive the ability to outplay him in macro.


The most sympathetic athlete selected for a sports meet is SKY , one people does not take the person race to arrive at the so high realm , bring about so-called bully and aggressiveness, the person general of race who does not have SKY is penniless, if not having SKY , the person race will still be that taking turns for 4 years is arrived at now by the race who tramples on, for 4 years , that the person race is weakened only, is weakened, but more and more strong all along all , cause is the SKY aggressiveness , pounces on a fate dispatch.


更多网络解释与sky-clad相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

蓝天法,股票发行控制法 blue-sky laws 蓝天法,股票发行控制法:blue-sky laws

504 1 blue-chip 蓝筹码股票,热门股票 blue-chip 蓝筹码股票,热门股票 | 505 1 blue-sky laws 蓝天法,股票发行控制法 blue-sky laws 蓝天法,股票发行控制法 | 506 1 board chairman 董事长 board chairman 董事长

Sky blue:天空藍

正牌"天空蓝"(Sky Blue)礼服正牌"天空蓝"(Sky Blue)礼服正牌"天空蓝"(Sky Blue)礼服正牌"天空蓝"(Sky Blue)礼服正牌"天空蓝"(Sky Blue)礼服

Blue Sky Laws:蓝天法,股票发行控制法 blue-sky laws 蓝天法,股票发行控制法

504 1 blue-chip 蓝筹码股票,热门股票 blue-chip 蓝筹码股票,热门股票 | 505 1 blue-sky laws 蓝天法,股票发行控制法 blue-sky laws 蓝天法,股票发行控制法 | 506 1 board chairman 董事长 board chairman 董事长