英语人>词典>英汉 : single-funnel的中文,翻译,解释,例句




更多网络例句与single-funnel相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tom Cruise, doing the famous "Single Ladies" dance at Beyoncé's concert at L.A.'s Staples Center."Everyone was laughing and taking pictures," a concertgoer tells us of the scene.

在碧昂斯于洛杉矶斯台普斯中心举办的音乐会上汤姆克鲁斯也跳起了有名的"Single Ladies"舞蹈(注:"Single Ladies"是碧昂斯一首很有名的歌吧)一位去看了演唱会的人告诉我们说"所有人都大笑并拍照"。

Studies on statistical properties of spontaneous spike trains of single auditory nerve have shown that the distributing patterns of interval in spike trains represent Poisson distribution. Since Poisson distribution is one of the simplest stochastic processes, previous studies on spontaneous spike trains of single auditory nerve were performed primarily by assuming them as stochastic processes. Recently, further studies on nonlinear dynamic system show that we have not enough evidence to demonstrate the process, whose distribution of probability density is exponential, is Poisson process.

中文题名豚鼠听神经单纤维放电序列的非线性特性分析副题名外文题名 Analysis on nonlinear properties in spike trains of single auditory nerve fiber in guinea pig 论文作者林龙年导师孙心德教授学科专业生理学研究领域\研究方向听觉神经生物学学位级别博士学位授予单位华东师范大学学位授予日期2001 论文页码总数91页关键词听神经听觉神经生理豚鼠馆藏号BSLW /2001 /Q42 /41 对听神经单纤维自发放电序列的统计特性研究表明,听神经单纤维放电间隔呈泊松分布,而泊松过程是最简单的随机过程之一,因此以往的研究主要将听神经单纤维自发放电序列作为随机过程来处理。

This article is to introduce the history of Scotch whisky, the difference between single malt whisky and blended whisky. Besides consumers' behavior have changed gradually from blended whisky as mainstream to accept rare with high quality but higher price single malt whisky. The purposes of this study are:(1) to forecast the trend of whisky industry in Taiwan,(2) to forecast the Single malt whisky category trend in Taiwan, and (3) to construct the sales develop model.

中文摘要本论文内容主要是介绍苏格兰威士忌的历史,以及单一麦芽威士忌与调和式威士忌的分别,另外因为国人消费习惯的改变,逐渐接受量少质精且单价高的单一麦芽威士忌,本研究的目的有:预测台湾整体 Whisky产业未来的发展趋势;预测Single Malt Whisky在台湾整体进口威士忌未来的成长情况;及拟建构销售成长模型,提出对行销预算或企划的拟定有所助益。

更多网络解释与single-funnel相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

single-entry bookkeeping:单式簿记 single-entry bookkeeping 单式簿记

3455 1 simulation 模拟 simulation 模拟 | 3456 1 single-entry bookkeeping 单式簿记 single-entry bookkeeping 单式簿记 | 3457 1 single option 单项期权 single option 单项期权

single proprietorship:独资 single proprietorship 独资

3458 1 single presentation 单独反映 single presentation 单独反映 | 3459 1 single proprietorship 独资 single proprietorship 独资 | 3461 1 sinking fund 偿债基金 sinking fund 偿债基金

独资 single proprietorship 独资:single proprietorship

3458 1 single presentation 单独反映 single presentation 单独反映 | 3459 1 single proprietorship 独资 single proprietorship 独资 | 3461 1 sinking fund 偿债基金 sinking fund 偿债基金