shovel ['ʃʌvl]
- shovel的基本解释
铲, 铁铲
- He was working with a shovel.
- 他在用铲子干活。
- They were shoveling coal into a cart.
- 他们在把煤铲进手推车。
- It didn't take them long to shovel a path through the snow.
- 他们没有花很多时间就在雪地里铲出一条路来。
- He shovelled the food into his mouth.
- 他大口大口狼吞虎咽。
- The hungry man greedily shovelled the food into his mouth.
- 那个饥饿的汉子贪婪地把食物塞入口中。
- 相似词
- shovel的同义词
- n. digger
- shovel所属的单词分类
Farm / 农场
longhorn · animals · seeds · yak · windmill · wheat · weeds · weeder · water · vegetable
Tool / 工具
safety glasses · hex wrench · glue gun · electric drill · bolt cutter · allen wrench · Phillips screwdriver · measuring tape · pry bar · sand paper
Yard / 庭院
vegetable garden · plant pot · herb garden · garden path · front stoop · basketball hoop · back porch · welcome mat · front porch · porch swing
- 更多 网络例句 与shovel相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Shuangjian licensing plow shovel high quality and low price, I produced Shuangjian licensing Road mill with plow shovel manufacturing, licensing Shuangjian plow shovel as sharp as the sword, tenacity wearable, Shuangjian plow shovel is your best option.
Pompompurin, a creative inventer, using a shovel, he bounces Kitty and Melody away to the seesaw mill. He then jumps on a shovel holding the shovel's handle like a pogo stick.
Hello Kitty 和 Melody 也想一同玩摇摇板,聪明的布甸狗利用一只铁铲把二人弹到摇摇板上,自己则欢天喜地踏著铁铲弹回家。
There are shovel blades equipped bottom of the cinquefoil shelf. When shovel blades rotate with rollers, they throw up the materials and send them into the space between rollers and ring and then form a material bed. The material bed produces centripetal force as a result of rotating of roller. The material is crushed by the centripetal force.
- 更多网络解释 与shovel相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
罗丝拉再回到挖墓人处,只有铁锹矗立在风中,她抄起铁锹(Shovel)向左走. 来到一片废墟旁,一见墙上那红眼恶狗的影子便头也不回地逃开了. 在墓地里她看见一个身穿黑斗篷的女人在一座大坟前痛哭流涕. 这时从天空中飞过一匹黑马,
这时出现一头牛,引诱它撞开三只堆在一起的木箱上,进入木箱后的通道. 来到二楼,进入南面的通道,滑下斜坡来到Trenches(壕沟). 回到狮身人面像下面的石碑前,使用铁铲(Shovel)挖开地面,来到Underneath The Sphinx(狮身人面像底部).
需求:铲子(shovel)或十字镐(pickaxe),一座矿场音乐家技能的高低决定你弹奏乐器时产生的是音乐或是噪音. 这个技能和诗人的另两项技能:魅惑术(Enticement)及挑拨术 (Provocation)是相互作用的. 补锅匠通常都会在大街上沿街喊叫来招揽生意.
steam shovel:<美>蒸汽铲,蒸汽挖土机
unbearded 无胡须的 | steam shovel 蒸汽铲,蒸汽挖土机 | overhanging pile driver 伸臂式打桩机
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