英语人>词典>英汉 : shelf life的中文,翻译,解释,例句
shelf life的中文,翻译,解释,例句

shelf life

shelf life的基本解释


更多 网络例句 与shelf life相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nanjing-flying technology companies | shelf | storage equipment | warehouse shelves | logistics equipment | shelf sales | shelf | shelf manufacturers | shelf parameters | shelf design | shelf products | shelf Photo | shelf technology | Shelf specifications | supermarket shelves | clothing shelves | boutique shelves | metal shelves | Buying shelf | shelf Buying | light shelves | medium-shelf | heavy shelf | light-shelf | China Amount of shelf | weight-shelf | angle steel shelf | Universal angle steel shelf | in the volume of A-type shelf | B in the amount of shelf | cargo space-shelf | beams shelves | pallet shelves | Pallet Rack | attic shelves | attic shelves | dormant floor, shelves | dormant floor, shelves | cantilevered shelves | cantilevered shelves | shelf through | through shelves | Gallery shelf-|-Gallery Rack | Wheel shelf | roll round the shelves | wheeled roller shelf | wheel-shelf | fluent shelf | fluent of the shelf | fluent shelves | fluent of the shelves | pressure-in shelves | Gravity shelf | Mobile shelves | mobile shelves | Mi Jijia | files shelf | die shelf | drawer shelf | drawer-shelf | Auto Parts library shelves | auto parts library shelves | car spare parts for cargo -| 4 s auto shop shelves | 4 s auto shop shelves dedicated | parts library shelves | three-dimensional library shelves | Automated Warehouse shelves | Warehouse shelves | Treasury shelf | warehouse shelves | factory shelves | Zhiwu Jia | Peg board-| peg board shelves | Finishing-|-stacking | stacking shelves | Qiao solid-| storage cage | storage cage | tray | wooden pallets | Plastic-wood pallets | steel tray | plastic tray | Pallet | Wooden pallets | pad Wharf board | Working Capital me | Logistics me | expected me | iron tray | steel materials me | steel tray | cart | Shouban car | take a car | logistics vehicles | set of vehicles | loader | Static Music trolleys | handling machinery | Forklift | tray car | Transportation Raceway | conveyor roller | ancillary equipment | warehousing supporting equipment | warehousing logistics | shelf plant | shelf | Nanjing shelf | Nanjing shelf | Nanjing shelf | Nanjing-flying technology company founded in 1994, is engaged in various domestic earlier shelf, logistics systems, automated warehouse system and all kinds of cold-formed steel for the planning, design, manufacture, installation and consulting services of the largest professional Manufacturers one of its strong technical force, the integration of advanced production equipment, the installation team mature and improve after-sales service system.


Our company selects high-quality raw material and engaged in the manufacturing of varies kinds of assembling adjustable goods type,such as light duty shelf,middle duty shelf,sub-heacy duty shelf,multi-tier racking,cantilever racking,mould racking,pallet racking,drive-in eacking,display shelf for product display hall and exhibition,steel pallet,plastic pallet,working accessories,dispatch trolley,trolley,hydraulic pallet truck,tool cabinet,foldable mesh container,steel bin container,work bench,roll box trolley,stacking frame,hanger rack.


Our company selects high-quality raw material and engaged in the manufacturing of varies kinds of assembling adjustable goods type,such as light duty shelf,middle duty shelf,sub-heacy duty shelf,multi-tier racking,cantilever racking,mould racking,pallet racking,drive-in eacking,display shelf for product display hall and exhibition,steel pallet,plastic pallet,working accessories,dispatch trolley,trolley,hydraulic pallet truck,tool cabinet,foldable mesh container,steel bin container,work bench,roll box trolley,stacking frame,hanger rack.


更多网络解释 与shelf life相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

shelf life:保质期

欧洲药品管理局(EMEA)日前宣称,他们正在考虑将抗甲型流感病毒药物奥司他韦(商品名达菲)的保质期(shelf life)由目前的5年延长到7年,以应对目前储备药物不足的窘境.

shelf life:货架期

屠宰时肌肉中的糖原数量,宰后糖酵解速度和程度对肌肉的颜色,嫩度(TEXTURE),硬度,保水力(WATER-HOLDING CAPACITY),乳化力(EMULSIFING CAPACITY)和货架期(SHELF LIFE)都有影响.

shelf life:储龄

液态光阻在仓库中的储龄(Shelf Life),与生产上已调配妥当后施工中的料龄(Pot Life)也都是考虑的重点. 一般商品储龄须在6个月以上,而料龄则也需耐过一周. 不过便宜的酪蛋白光阻剂的料龄却只有一两天而已.

shelf life:货架寿命

另外,其产品的贮存条件苛刻,一般要求储藏温度低于常温;更重要的是,多数生物农药"货架寿命"(shelf life)不足. 货架寿命指的是物品的最佳使用期. 根据1998年英国出版的>(The Biopesticide Manual)中收录的60种微生物活体农药统计,

cumulative shelf life:累积储藏寿命

cumulative ionization 雪崩电离 | cumulative shelf life 累积储藏寿命 | curie point 居里温度

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